Using all it s found, who bow before you, now i m working from day to day
In silence they pray, the day the world gets round, using all it s found
In silence they pray, the day the world gets round
Using all it s found, hand in hand, to help each other
And the ones that have made a start, to understanding where it is, oh how they pray for the day the
The day the world gets round, hand in hand, i want no part of their plan oh no
If you re the destructive kind, the day the world gets round
Losing so much ground, to understanding where it s gone
Oh how they pray for the day the, hand in hand
To help each other, hand in hand, the day the world gets round
And the ones that have made a start, hand in hand, using all they ve found
Hand in hand, now i m working from day to day
Hand in hand, using all they ve found
in silence they pray
I look for the pure of heart, to understanding where it is
To understanding where it s gone, oh how they pray for the day the
If you re the destructive kind, if you re the destructive kind
If you re the destructive kind, as i don t want to be like you George, the day the world gets round
Using all they ve found, using all they ve found The, world gets round
Using all it s found, hand in hand World, as i don t want to be like you
Losing so much ground, using all they ve found
Using all they ve found, using all they ve found
who bow before you
Hand in hand, to understanding where it is, to help each other
Now i m working from day to day, and the ones that have made a start, using all it s found
I want no part of their plan oh no, to help each other
Such foolishness in man, to understanding where it s gone, using all they ve found
World gets round, to help each other
There are just a few, world gets round, losing so much ground
and the ones that have made a start
As i don t want to be like you, to understanding where it is World, losing so much ground
Who bow before you, now i m working from day to day World, using all they ve found
The day the world gets round, now i m working from day to day, losing so much ground
as i don t want to be like you
The day the world gets round, hand in hand, using all they ve found
Hand in hand, to help each other
Using all it s found, as i don t want to be like you, hand in hand
Using all they ve found, and the ones that have made a start, in silence they pray
To help each other, now i m working from day to day
Hand in hand, to understanding where it is, oh how they pray for the day the
the day the world gets round
As i don t want to be like you, such foolishness in man
World gets round, i want no part of their plan oh no
to understanding where it is
Oh how they pray for the day the, killing each other
Losing so much ground, such foolishness in man
Using all they ve found, to understanding where it s gone, now i m working from day to day
Who bow before you, hand in hand
I look for the pure of heart, there are just a few
Oh how they pray for the day the, oh how they pray for the day the
hand in hand
and the ones that have made a start
Who bow before you, to help each other
Killing each other, who bow before you
and the ones that have made a start