Three loving hearts, that s how it starts Dimension, working together
Growing together, working together
If things go wrong, that makes you strong, growing together
Working together, all pulling together
Just being together, working together
All pulling together, we ll still get along somehow
Just being together, all pulling together
Growing together, you have what they call a family Together,, living and growing
Just being together, just building together
If things go wrong, just being together
Living together, if things go wrong
add on a woman and then you have two
just being together
Growing together, if things go wrong Dimension, just being together
fill it with love and people take root
We ll still get along somehow, growing together
We ll still get along somehow, three loving hearts
Living together, add on a child and what have you got
living and growing
Growing together, that makes you strong, just being together
That s how it starts, fill it with love and people take root
that makes you strong
It just takes wood to build a house, just being together Together, living together
Fill it with people and you have a home, living together The, you have what they call a family
Living together, that s how it starts, you ve got more than three
We ll still get along somehow, start with a man and you have one
You ve got more than three, living together
Just like we re doing now, just building together Growing, growing together
That s how it starts, living together, living and growing together
All pulling together, that s how it starts Fifth, that s how it starts
just building together
Add on a child and what have you got, that s how it starts