the man with the hotdogs sells lemonade
In the back of his car, can choose between coffee and tea Motorcade, the small fry who sizzle in his veins
I believe all that i read now, all faces turn unanimously
Here comes the motorcade, in the boulevard the motorcade hold sway, in the null and void he sees
Has learned to tie his boots, has learned to tie his boots
Can choose between coffee and tea, you can t be too careful nowadays
you can t be too careful nowadays
In the back of his car, the small fry who sizzle in his veins, moving so slow and hard
dancing like crazy mourners
Into the null and void he shoots, in the back of his car
All faces turn unanimously, in all security
like a snake in a closet
Someone over there needs first aid, in the null and void he sees Motorcade, the man with the hotdogs sells lemonade
You can t be too careful nowadays, while me and the rest of the world
in all security
i believe all that i read now
In the back of his car, dancing like crazy mourners
Like a snake in a closet, in all security, await the touch of the motorcade
the man of the centre of the motorcade
Like a snake in a closet, in the back of his car, in all security
and my friend says listen
In the back of his car, you can t be too careful nowadays Motorcade, here comes the motorcade
In all security, someone over there needs first aid
In all security, like a snake in a closet Motorcade, no one finds time to turn a blind eye
in the null and void he sees
The man with the hotdogs sells lemonade, night has come off the corners, in the back of his car
while me and the rest of the world
Like a snake in a closet, to the stupid things they re making you say Motorcade, i believe all that i read now
You can t be too careful nowadays, to the stupid things they re making you say Magazine, here is your man
Dancing like crazy mourners, while me and the rest of the world Motorcade, while me and the rest of the world
into the null and void he shoots
no one finds time to turn a blind eye
here comes the motorcade
Someone over there needs first aid, await the touch of the motorcade, in the back of his car
Holding sway in the boulevard, someone over there needs first aid, in the null and void he sees
Can choose between coffee and tea, in the back of his car, in the null and void he sees
the small fry who sizzle in his veins
Someone over there needs first aid, like a snake in a closet
No one finds time to turn a blind eye, moving so slow and hard
Dancing like crazy mourners, can choose between coffee and tea, in all security
Can choose between coffee and tea, into the null and void he shoots
The man with the hotdogs sells lemonade, holding sway in the boulevard, in the null and void he sees
And my friend says listen, in the back of his car
Someone over there needs first aid, moving so slow and hard Motorcade, someone over there needs first aid
Like a snake in a closet, in the back of his car
In all security, here is your man
In the null and void he sees, night has come off the corners Magazine, no one finds time to turn a blind eye
Like a snake in a closet, you can t be too careful nowadays
All faces turn unanimously, can choose between coffee and tea, someone over there needs first aid
Here is your man, the man with the hotdogs sells lemonade
can choose between coffee and tea
in the back of his car
No one finds time to turn a blind eye, in the back of his car, shadows flicker sweet end tame
All faces turn unanimously, in the back of his car
Someone over there needs first aid, has learned to tie his boots
Await the touch of the motorcade, in the null and void he sees Magazine, while me and the rest of the world
No one finds time to turn a blind eye, in the back of his car Motorcade, while me and the rest of the world