Jeff Wayne - The Red Weed free for downloading

  • Artist: Jeff Wayne
  • Song: The Red Weed
  • Music Genre: Pop
  • Length: 06:00
  • Filesize: 14.1MB
  • Kbps: 320Kbps
Download Jeff Wayne - The Red Weed

Top songs Jeff Wayne

# Song Kbps Length
1 Jeff Wayne - Brave New World 160 03:41
2 Jeff Wayne - Caucasian Debris (My Rich Cultural Heritage) 192 01:59
3 Jeff Wayne - Dead London 320 05:10
4 Jeff Wayne - Dead London (Part 1) 320 05:26
5 Jeff Wayne - Epilogue (Part 2) 256 01:48
6 Jeff Wayne - Epilogue (Part 2) (NASA) 256 01:57
7 Jeff Wayne - Forever Autumn 192 04:32
8 Jeff Wayne - I Sold the Tractor 256 03:05
9 Jeff Wayne - Jeff's "Worth A Listen" Red Weed Alternative 160 00:21
10 Jeff Wayne - My Son Wants to Be a Black Rapper (Who Doesn\'t?) 256 12:35
11 Jeff Wayne - Nobody Loves a Loser 320 05:29
12 Jeff Wayne - Out-Takes (from Horsell Common) 320 01:56
13 Jeff Wayne - Parson Nathaniel Scream Out-Takes (From The Spirit Of Man) 256 02:26
14 Jeff Wayne - The Artilleryman and the Fighting Machine 192 12:09
15 Jeff Wayne - The Artilleryman Returns 192 01:28
16 Jeff Wayne - The Artilleryman Returns (With Unused Parts) 320 01:34
17 Jeff Wayne - The Bell and the Whistle (The Lifeboat Routine) 256 08:58
18 Jeff Wayne - The Eve of the War 192 04:19
19 Jeff Wayne - The Fighting Machine 256 04:29
20 Jeff Wayne - The Mouse (The Cat Isn\'t Doing Its Job) 256 07:50
21 Jeff Wayne - The Spirit Of Man 256 11:37
22 Jeff Wayne - The Spirt of Destiny (The Parson Versus Palene) 320 04:59
23 Jeff Wayne - The Zoo Zoo Fly (You Need to Hear This!) 256 04:54
24 Jeff Wayne - Thunder Child 320 06:06


Whit Long

2022-01-02 17:06:22 | Profile
I can just picture the red weed creeping across the English countryside and clogging up the once beautiful rivers and steams like described in this.

Monika Trzeciak

2021-06-08 21:18:55 | Profile
I've herd a lot of remixes of this great piece of music why they bother trying to up tempo music like this make no sense . it's like michelangelo white washing the sistine chapel and doing the same paintings again . only painting by numbers style. The original will aways be the best !!

игорь шубенин

2020-10-20 23:36:58 | Profile
What is this from? I heard it somewhere on an obscure radio station. Is it a movie or a book? is it from the 1970's?

peter packer

2020-06-21 17:48:32 | Profile
For what it's worth, this is the best piece of music I have ever heard. I remember reading the book and feeling the cold claw of death and extinction around my heart when I read the passage about thunder child. And the musical version gave me the exact same feeling, years later. Now THAT is art.

Wiz Ard

2020-06-11 08:38:50 | Profile
First heard this album as a little kid back in the 80's , my dad had it on vinyl. I'm nearly 40 and this part of the album still scares the living shit out of me. Burton 's voice is so haunting but when we hear the part of Parson Nathaniel wake up, Phil Lynott takes over in part 2. The music really does give you the impression that the world is totally fucked and there is no hope left for humanity because the Martian's have literally made our planet their own. Extremely terrifying to think that there have been, still are and probably always will be places on Earth that are like the world we hear about in this piece of music, where everyone had been wiped out and there is no hope left. The sad truth is in reality us that the world doesn't have to be invaded by Martian's for it to he a shitty world

Rekha Rani

2020-06-02 05:48:16 | Profile
2 native plants disliked this video.


2020-06-01 09:21:45 | Profile
Anybody else playing this in the heart of the Covid-19 outbreak? I only hope I'm still here to re-read this in years to come when I play through these classics again. Heres to ya Future Jim. There can be only one!


2020-06-01 02:42:04 | Profile
Ah yes I used to listen this back on Mars

Ross Keliher

2020-05-27 19:25:41 | Profile
I used to listen to this on headphones on a crappy little tape player as a kid. I was maybe 5 or 6 years old. Thanks to my parents for being awesome and intoducing me to this!

Brandon Hendrixson

2020-05-26 08:17:50 | Profile
Liked the word so much I subbed. I went under damn you. Intrinsic. I threw up listening to this when I was little.

Elena Sidorenko

2020-05-22 22:25:11 | Profile
I tend to hum this to myself at work when I am pissed off lol. Anyone close by would think I have totally lost it lol

Bruna M

2020-05-22 02:12:59 | Profile
The red weed sounds just like a Theremin.

Aamina Usmani

2020-05-16 23:21:18 | Profile
The flute sound always makes me think of the Clangers.

Денис 0941

2020-05-12 14:02:46 | Profile
Childhood nightmares intensifying.

Al Bustan

2020-05-07 04:49:00 | Profile
It's so chilling and eerie. But the Eve of the war is my fav track.

Christopher Riad

2020-05-03 03:51:30 | Profile
It is just perfection, you can just imagine fields of red, spores or seeds floating over them, crawling vines in and over buildings

ike strykes

2020-04-25 10:23:33 | Profile
At a few parts, it sounds like it's being played on an old radio that was left on since the beginning of the invasion and the red weed is growing inside the radio, corrupting the music

Jim Avsar

2020-04-15 01:01:05 | Profile
Smoke red weed everyday

D. Daschiro

2020-04-10 13:19:27 | Profile
I listened to this when I was young...And the way this was narrated along with the music made it far scarier and vivid than any of the movies. THIS is what actually gave me nightmares. This. Fucking. Masterpiece.