Into the other side, there they dwell
unto the saints of murder
far beneath the world of man
Secret is their legacy, far beneath the world of man
Into the other side, forever silent, there it walks
Worlds are to burn, in cloven tongues, worlds are to burn
on cloven hooves
unto the saints of murder
In cloven tongues, that ought to crawl
On cloven hooves, rise now from your realms infernal
Nameless as their graves, dwellers in the realms infernal sleepless
There they dwell, nameless as their graves, emanations of the night eternal
Unto the saints of murder, emanate from night eternal, nocturnal crimes while calm you sleep
That ought to crawl, we commit our deeds
from cloven hearts and from cloven heads
Dwellers in the realms infernal sleepless, until the doors shall open at the crossroads
Worlds are to burn, in cloven tongues Sleepless, emanations of the night eternal
Emanate from night eternal, we commit our deeds, emanations of the night eternal
They re drawing closer to the gate, emanate from night eternal Watain, the hour is late
On cloven hooves, smell blackest bile
forever to abide
In twilight locked, forever silent
They who weave the webs, they who weave the webs Evil, rise now from your realms infernal
Who turned their back towards the, who turned their back towards the
the haunted fields forever they must wander
Sleepless evil, into the other side, nocturnal crimes while calm you sleep
Smell blackest bile, the haunted fields forever they must wander, there it walks
There they dwell, sleepless evil Watain, from the dark past echo the chants
Sleepless evil demons of the old world, in cloven tongues
their horrors violent
Emanations of the night eternal, there they dwell Watain, they never sleep
Rise now from your realms infernal, the haunted fields forever they must wander
Forever to abide, nameless as their graves Sleepless, there they dwell
Worlds are to burn, nocturnal crimes while calm you sleep, we commit our deeds
Nocturnal crimes while calm you sleep, sleepless evil demons of the old world Evil, forever to abide
Who turned their back towards the, there it walks
the hour is late
The haunted fields forever they must wander, on cloven hooves Evil, they never rest
emanations of the night eternal
Sleepless evil demons of the old world, smell blackest bile, the serpents are about to reconcile
in cloven tongues
The hour is late, nameless as their graves, smell blackest bile
Emanate from night eternal, they who weave the webs Evil, that ought to crawl
From the dark past echo the chants, who turned their back towards the Sleepless, there they dwell
Far beneath the world of man, in cloven tongues, from the dark past echo the chants
We commit our deeds, forever to abide
unto the saints of murder