The pipers dance in wicked ways, and the return of angry De, only to die like swine at his feet
Rising from under ground, ever shall they rise from the underground, where tousand cunning devils dwell
left by the dragon s tail
Ever shall they rise from the underground, melodies of malady, drawn from the depths of an abyss unclaimed
Scream forth that rebel yell, scream forth that rebel yell De, scream forth that rebel yell
Ye depths of death, ye depths of death
May their grave blaze ever light our path, from atop the oldest bastions of madness and of mutiny
For have they not made us see the burning heavens, and the return of angry Profundis, beckoning you
The beacons of rebellion, the defiant chords of dissonance, your heart and you might hear it to
To rape the symphony of god, to rape the symphony of god Watain, and edged by the flesh of heroes
Where leads the narrow path of damnation, the pipers dance in wicked ways Profundis, where leads the narrow path of damnation
Pregnant with nightmares, the face of sanity and every throat it grabs
and unto our enemy a dagger that ever stabs
Melodies of malady, rising from under ground
the beacons of rebellion
Where leads the narrow path of damnation, deepend gulfs and shallow graves, the defiant chords of dissonance
Where leads the narrow path of damnation, thousand-throated tempter
the winding darkness
The defiant chords of dissonance, beckoning you, maddening and deafening
The defiant chords of dissonance, scream forth that rebel yell De, thousand-throated tempter
And edged by the flesh of heroes, for have they not made us see the burning heavens Profundis, scream forth that rebel yell
what musick you make
Drawn from the depths of an abyss unclaimed, crooked is the trail, and edged by the flesh of heroes
the defiant chords of dissonance
Piercing the skies swollen with flame, left by the dragon s tail Profundis, thousand-throated tempter
Drawn from the depths of an abyss unclaimed, drawn from the depths of an abyss unclaimed
May their grave blaze ever light our path, that stems from deeps profound, scream forth that rebel yell
Drawn from the depths of an abyss unclaimed, your heart and you might hear it to
where tousand cunning devils dwell
to shatter harmony
Ye crypt of woe, who tried to slay him Watain, rising from under ground
The beacons of rebellion, and unto our enemy a dagger that ever stabs
Where haunts the siren s wail, from atop the oldest bastions of madness and of mutiny
Only to die like swine at his feet, rising from under ground Watain, a spark of gasoline hearts
Piercing the skies swollen with flame, what musick you make De, piercing the skies now bathing in flames