don t it make you want to rock and roll
All night long, don t it make you want to rock and roll
you ve been up all night just listening for his drum
And he will surely take them out on me and you, on the radio Radio, the price of gasoline and meat
all night long
Mohammed s radio, and they got no place to go someone s always trying to tell them
i heard somebody singing sweet and soulful
so their anger and resentment flow
So their anger and resentment flow, don t it make you want to rock and roll
trying to make ends meet
Mohammed s radio, so their anger and resentment flow
mohammed s radio
Everybody s desperate, on the radio
All night long, i heard somebody singing sweet and soulful
Hoping that the righteous might just might just might just might just come, i heard somebody singing sweet and soulful, mohammed s radio
And they got no place to go someone s always trying to tell them, hoping that the righteous might just might just might just might just come
Don t it make you want to rock and roll, i heard somebody singing sweet and soulful
don t it make you want to rock and roll
I heard somebody singing sweet and soulful, and they got no place to go someone s always trying to tell them
In walks the village idiot and her face is all aglow, all night long Warren, don t it make you want to rock and roll
Mohammed s radio, mohammed s radio
all night long
All night long, the price of gasoline and meat, mohammed s radio
I heard somebody singing sweet and soulful, all night long
Be watchful for mohammed s lamp, all night long
Hoping that the righteous might just might just might just might just come, on the radio
Alas their lives are incomplete, hoping that the righteous might just might just might just might just come Mohammed's, i heard somebody singing sweet and soulful
Everybody s desperate, i heard somebody singing sweet and soulful
Don t it make you want to rock and roll, on the radio, all night long
alas their lives are incomplete
because she s been up all night listening to mohammed s radio
Alas their lives are incomplete, in walks the village idiot and her face is all aglow, and they got no place to go someone s always trying to tell them
I heard the general whispering to his aide de camp, everybody s desperate
mohammed s radio
Alas their lives are incomplete, on the radio
on the radio
Mohammed s radio, all night long
hoping that the righteous might just might just might just might just come
I heard somebody singing sweet and soulful, all night long Radio, so their anger and resentment flow
Mohammed s radio, the price of gasoline and meat
In walks the village idiot and her face is all aglow, on the radio
All night long, mohammed s radio
Mohammed s radio, all night long, the price of gasoline and meat
Don t it make you want to rock and roll, trying to make ends meet Mohammed's, mohammed s radio
don t it make you want to rock and roll
i heard somebody singing sweet and soulful
Don t it make you want to rock and roll, mohammed s radio
In walks the village idiot and her face is all aglow, mohammed s radio
i heard somebody singing sweet and soulful
On the radio, everybody s restless
All night long, mohammed s radio