So the heavens hear you cry, from the highest mountain, i will hold you still
that your spirit can t be broken
from the highest mountain
Let this pain inside you die, these senseless longings VNV, you ll find the signs in every motion
That your spirit can t be broken, raise your head up high VNV, from the highest mountain
So the heavens hear you cry, from the highest mountain
raise your head up high
and your body may lie broken
no waiting country
so the heavens hear you cry
Let your actions speak your will, let this pain inside you die
That your spirit can t be broken, that your spirit can t be broken
Let this pain inside you die, that your spirit can t be broken
I will hold you still, give up your fear, no parades to line your way
No waiting country, no waiting country Resolution, from the highest mountain
So the heavens hear you cry, so the whole world knows
i will hold you still
no waiting country
So the heavens hear you cry, light the brightest fire VNV, these senseless longings
so the heavens hear you cry
and your body may lie broken
Raise your head up high, from the highest mountain
So the heavens hear you cry, raise your head up high
So the heavens hear you cry, from the highest mountain
I will hold you still, i will hold you still
Light the brightest fire, no pride to feel Nation, that your spirit can t be broken
though your hands may bleed
So the heavens hear you cry, give up your fear
Though your hands may bleed, that your spirit can t be broken Nation, that your spirit can t be broken
No parades to line your way, let this rage inside you die, every second of every hour
So the heavens hear you cry, let this rage inside you die, every second of every hour
Raise your head up high, from the highest mountain, you ll find the signs in every motion
so the whole world knows
That your spirit can t be broken, light the brightest fire
raise your head up high
close your eyes so you might see
Raise your head up high, light the brightest fire, from the highest mountain
so the whole world knows
No pride to feel, let this rage inside you die, from the highest mountain
that your spirit can t be broken
Every second of every hour, no waiting country
Light the brightest fire, so the heavens hear you cry
And your body may lie broken, no pride to feel VNV, let this pain inside you die
the rage you feel will consume you and destroy you
so the whole world knows
I will hold you still, you ll find the signs in every motion Resolution, light the brightest fire
No parades to line your way, i will hold you still, so the whole world knows
And your body may lie broken, the rage you feel will consume you and destroy you, the rage you feel will consume you and destroy you
raise your head up high
give up your fear
So the whole world knows, no waiting country VNV, that your spirit can t be broken
And your body may lie broken, close your eyes so you might see, so the heavens hear you cry
That your spirit can t be broken, no parades to line your way VNV, that your spirit can t be broken