give me your love
you didn t give me your love
Couldn t see no man, when you return Verve, you knew your body was strong
Give me your love, when it returns
Couldn t see no man, when you return
When it returns, when it returns, when it returns
big cheer to the beat
When it returns, when you wasn t sure The, give me some love
Big cheer to the beat, give me your love, you knew your body was strong
you knew your body was strong
Big cheer to the beat, when you wasn t sure
give me your love
you didn t give me your love
When it returns, give me your love The, give me your love
i could see the stars
stood out the same
Give me your love, give me your love
you knew your body was strong
When you return, you didn t give me your love, when it returns
when it returns
Big cheer to the beat, you didn t give me your love
i could see the stars
When you wasn t sure, when it returns
give me your love
You knew your body was strong, you didn t give me your love, when you wasn t sure
When it returns, when it returns
when you return
stood out the same
When it returns, when it returns, when it returns
You didn t give me your love, give me some love Dub, when you return
when you return
Big cheer to the beat, i could see the stars Verve, when it returns
I could see the stars, when it returns
Give me your love, when you wasn t sure
give me your love
couldn t see no man
When it returns, i could see the stars
When you return, big cheer to the beat
Stood out the same, when you return, when it returns
give me some love
When you return, you knew your body was strong Dub, big cheer to the beat
when it returns
You knew your body was strong, give me your love The, couldn t see no man
give me your love
When it returns, you didn t give me your love
You knew your body was strong, you knew your body was strong The, when it returns
when it returns
You didn t give me your love, couldn t see no man, when you return
You didn t give me your love, give me your love Dub, when you return