one is cursed and one is borne
You re out of luck, advertisements become carnivores
He sees jawbones on the street, and here is a jawbone caked in muck
You re out of luck, he sees jawbones on the street Fall, there s been no war for forty years
rifleman he say why see i get no kicks anymore
jawbone and the air rifle
And here is a jawbone caked in muck, yellow-white shirt buried in duffle coat hood The, the rabbit killer left his home for the clough
jawbone and the air rifle
Of the broken brothers pentacle church, grave-keeper tending wreath-roots said, advertisements become carnivores
Why see i ve been laid off work, one is cursed and one is gone
One is cursed and one is gone, one is cursed and one is gone, i thought you were rabbit prey
From wife or children four, one is cursed and one is borne
keeping edges out with mosaic color stones
Formed on a scotch island, and he has visions of islands
Eleven o clock, yellow-white shirt buried in duffle coat hood
And said goodbye to his infertile spouse, and the grave-keeper was out on his rounds
You re out of luck, why see i ve been laid off work, formed on a scotch island
And laugh through twisted mouths, the rabbit killer left his home for the clough, to make you a bit of a man
and laugh through twisted mouths
Who would think they would bring harm, it could be his mangled teeth
Who would think they would bring harm, and he has visions of islands
Jawbone and the air rifle, yellow-white shirt buried in duffle coat hood
He sees jawbones on the street, suck on marrowbones and energy from the mainland
I m tired to fuck, the grave-keeper said
There s been no war for forty years, the grave-keeper said
Carried night-site telescope light, and said goodbye to his infertile spouse
And said goodbye to his infertile spouse, formed on a scotch island
And said goodbye to his infertile spouse, who would think they would bring harm
It smashed a chip off a valued tomb, you re out of luck
Jawbone and the air rifle, jawbone and the air rifle and, carries the germ of a curse
one is cursed and one is borne
Who would think they would bring harm, and said goodbye to his infertile spouse, jawbone and the air rifle
Grave-keeper tending wreath-roots said, who would think they would bring harm, who would think they would bring harm
Heavily covered in slime, the rabbit killer did not eat for a week, you re out of luck