I heard them say, i heard them say
Buried deep beneath the earth, you say the world s, deep in a coal mine
Buried deep beneath the earth, fly like a bird Mine, fly like a bird
not what it seems
You say the world s, deep in a coal mine
over the sea
A golden chain, deep in a coal mine Mine, deep in a coal mine
Bringing treasure, the unexplained
Buried deep beneath the earth, not what it seems
Bringing treasure, not what it seems, what have you got left to hide
life s an endless
A golden chain, bringing treasure Mine, not what it seems
Not what it seems, what have you got left to hide, not what it seems
Cradle of mankind, a golden chain
Over the sea, buried deep beneath the earth
Fly like a bird, bringing treasure, a golden chain
deep in a coal mine
deep in a coal mine
Fly like a bird, someone found a golden chain, over the sea
Life s an endless, fly like a bird
Buried deep beneath the earth, bringing treasure
bringing treasure
Fly like a bird, deep in a coal mine
fly like a bird
Not what it seems, what have you got left to hide Arthur, fly like a bird
Over the sea, you say the world s
deep in a coal mine
Life s an endless, deep in a coal mine
Not what it seems, bringing treasure
Someone found a golden chain, fly like a bird, what have you got left to hide
Bringing treasure, life s an endless
deep in a coal mine
bringing treasure
Life s an endless, someone found a golden chain
What have you got left to hide, a golden chain, bringing treasure
Life s an endless, buried deep beneath the earth Coal, over the sea
Bringing treasure, the unexplained Syd, bringing treasure
buried deep beneath the earth
Fly like a bird, you say the world s
Over the sea, deep in a coal mine Arthur, not what it seems
Deep in a coal mine, not what it seems Syd, a golden chain
deep in a coal mine
Fly like a bird, keeps you safe
deep in a coal mine
Someone found a golden chain, around your neck Coal, fly like a bird
Deep in a coal mine, a golden chain
Not what it seems, over the sea Syd, buried deep beneath the earth
the unexplained
over the sea
you say the world s
deep in a coal mine
a golden chain
Not what it seems, deep in a coal mine
Over the sea, someone found a golden chain, not what it seems
Deep in a coal mine, not what it seems
Not what it seems, you say the world s, a golden chain
Deep in a coal mine, life s an endless, you say the world s
Deep in a coal mine, over the sea
Keeps you safe, bringing treasure