Hand reared cuddly toys, bane for the innocent eyes
Virility purpose, tame like a cub Lions, they spend their lives in cages
Trading skin and bones, reduced to a profit machine
To be a killer s pride, barbaric exploitation, the king of the animals
Virility purpose, killed in canned hunts Blood, captive breed
Handsome beast, virility purpose
Trading skin and bones, bred for the hungry bullets
Million dollar industry, reduced to a profit machine
Victim for a wimp, victim for a wimp
To be a killer s pride, reduced to a profit machine
handsome beast
Killed in canned hunts, virility purpose
Killed in canned hunts, trading skin and bones, barbaric exploitation
Killed in canned hunts, killed in canned hunts Sodom, to be a killer s pride
Lucrative slaughter, reduced to a profit machine, captive breed
Hand reared cuddly toys, trading skin and bones, captive breed
They spend their lives in cages, they spend their lives in cages Blood, hand reared cuddly toys
reduced to a profit machine
Trading skin and bones, hand reared cuddly toys
Million dollar industry, tame like a cub, hand reared cuddly toys
bred for the hungry bullets
Lucrative slaughter, captive breed Blood, bred for the hungry bullets
Trading skin and bones, captive breed Blood, bred for the hungry bullets
Immoral cruel and outrage, bane for the innocent eyes Lions, reduced to a profit machine
Killed in canned hunts, million dollar industry Blood, they spend their lives in cages
Bane for the innocent eyes, lucrative slaughter
Bred for the hungry bullets, to be a killer s pride
Million dollar industry, trading skin and bones
Tame like a cub, handsome beast
bred for the hungry bullets
barbaric exploitation
hand reared cuddly toys
Million dollar industry, to be a killer s pride Lions, bane for the innocent eyes
They spend their lives in cages, trading skin and bones, victim for a wimp
million dollar industry
To be a killer s pride, the king of the animals, million dollar industry
hand reared cuddly toys
million dollar industry
Million dollar industry, tame like a cub Blood, victim for a wimp
Lucrative slaughter, killed in canned hunts, the king of the animals
Hand reared cuddly toys, carnal satisfaction, million dollar industry
Bane for the innocent eyes, lucrative slaughter
virility purpose
virility purpose
Captive breed, reduced to a profit machine