Addicted to abstinence, scary vulgarism
I m just a prowling maverick, cutthroat competition, cutthroat competition
Coming from behind, desultory to myself, scary vulgarism
addicted to abstinence
Scary vulgarism, unfathomable cursed, cutthroat competition
He s dangerous and sledge, gasp your vomit out, cutthroat competition
i put you to the sword
Gasp your vomit out, incombustible words
Defigured like a scrag, coming from behind Addicted, protuberant intestines
I put you to the sword, scary vulgarism, cutthroat competition
Exhilarate sight, perpetuate my memories
Defigured like a scrag, scary vulgarism
rancorously cutting
coming from behind
coming from behind
I put you to the sword, exhilarate sight
Gasp your vomit out, protuberant intestines
Scary vulgarism, protuberant intestines, gasp your vomit out
I m just a prowling maverick, i put you to the sword
rancorously cutting
Protuberant intestines, rancorously cutting
Scary vulgarism, i put you to the sword to, unfathomable cursed
Scary vulgarism, coming from behind
i put you to the sword
Perpetuate my memories, exhilarated sight
Defigured like a scrag, gasp your vomit out
coming from behind
defigured like a scrag
addicted to abstinence