earth confrontation equals earth segregation
De dread ah come co come co come, de dread ah come what, your domination
de dread ah come
Chemical reaction could reduce the population, biologic hazard s causing world deterioration
Man mutilation scientific innovation, yer you know they re trying to fix me but then they break me down again, de dread ah come
Yer you know they re trying to fix me and i can t take no more domination, your domination
Yer its dread out there you know, yer its dread out there you know, de dread ah come co come co come
Yer you know they re trying to fix me but then they break me down again, yer its dread out there you know Domination, your domination
De dread ah come, yer you know they re trying to fix me and i can t take no more domination
chemical reaction would reduce the population
Yer its dread out there you know, yer its dread out there you know
De dread ah come, yer its dread out there you know
De dread ah come co come co come, de dread ah come co come co come
yer its dread out there you know
de dread ah come
Yer its dread out there you know, yer its dread out there you know
world domination equals world suffocation
Yer its dread out there you know, your domination, de dread ah come what
Yer you know they re trying to fix me and i can t take no more domination, man mutilation scientific innovation
de dread ah come what
Man mutilation scientific innovation, yer its dread out there you know Domination, yer you know they re trying to fix me and i can t take no more domination
De dread ah come, earth confrontation equals earth segregation World, yer its dread out there you know
Yer you know they re trying to fix me and i can t take no more domination, your domination