Study and he makes a sound, loud music my salvation Kids, a lotta tape and a lot of distortion
crossed the ocean on a wind rush sail boat
He knows he gonna have it all, he knows he gonna have it all
loud music my salvation
Loud music my salvation, he s standing like he s ten feet tall, he knows he gonna have it all
Crossed the ocean on a wind rush sail boat, and the kids are right now, they re right now
And the kids are right now, he knows he gonna have it all
a rude boy from the trench tan streets
loud music my salvation
a lotta tape and a lot of distortion
And the kids are right now, he s standing like he s ten feet tall Kids, he knows he gonna have it all
crossed the ocean on a wind rush sail boat
Loud music my salvation, black child born jamaica
loud music my salvation
Loud music my salvation, he knows he gonna have it all, loud music my salvation
found a game through the radio sound
And the kids are right now, loud music my salvation
Crossed the ocean on a wind rush sail boat, he knows he gonna have it all
Study and he makes a sound, loud music my salvation The, and the kids are right now
study and he makes a sound
he s standing like he s ten feet tall
A lotta tape and a lot of distortion, he s standing like he s ten feet tall, loud music my salvation
now he knows
He knows he gonna have it all, and the kids are right now
He knows he gonna have it all, acoustic guitar he s a god and a gangster, and the kids are right now
A lotta tape and a lot of distortion, loud music my salvation
acoustic guitar he s a god and a gangster
And the kids are right now, he knows he gonna have it all
Black child born jamaica, and the kids are right now Now, they re right now
he knows he gonna have it all
Acoustic guitar he s a god and a gangster, study and he makes a sound
he knows he gonna have it all
loud music my salvation
Loud music my salvation, and the kids are right now Skindred, white child raised in brixton
They re right now, loud music my salvation, found a game through the radio sound
Loud music my salvation, and the kids are right now, black child born jamaica
And the kids are right now, loud music my salvation
and the kids are right now
He knows he gonna have it all, crossed the ocean on a wind rush sail boat
Crossed the ocean on a wind rush sail boat, now he knows
And the kids are right now, found a game through the radio sound Are, he s standing like he s ten feet tall
Crossed the ocean on a wind rush sail boat, a rude boy from the trench tan streets Are, acoustic guitar he s a god and a gangster
loud music my salvation
Now he knows, and the kids are right now, a rude boy from the trench tan streets
Loud music my salvation, acoustic guitar he s a god and a gangster Are, black child born jamaica
And the kids are right now, crossed the ocean on a wind rush sail boat, acoustic guitar he s a god and a gangster
And the kids are right now, and the kids are right now, and the kids are right now
and the kids are right now
loud music my salvation
now he knows
loud music my salvation
he s standing like he s ten feet tall
He knows he gonna have it all, white child raised in brixton, black child born jamaica
black child born jamaica
they re right now
And the kids are right now, and the kids are right now
a rude boy from the trench tan streets
Now he knows, black child born jamaica
and the kids are right now