she ain t gonna bother me
My sister will be suspicious your lips look delicious, you ve really been grand i thrill when you touch my hand
there s bound to be talk tomorrow well
Well maybe just a cigarette more you don t need no cigarette, well maybe just a cigarette more you don t need no cigarette Rosemary, you ll freeze out there
my maiden aunt s mind is vicious that ol biddy
I simply must go it s cold outside, my brother will be there at the door i ain t worried about you brother
I simply must go it s cold outside, at least there will be plenty implied if you caught pneumonia and died Baby,, but baby it s cold outside
my sister will be suspicious your lips look delicious
There s bound to be talk tomorrow well, she ain t gonna bother me
i simply must go it s cold outside
the answer is no baby
but it s cold outside
i ve got to get home baby
She ain t gonna bother me, at least there will be plenty implied if you caught pneumonia and died
I really can t stay get over that hold out, you ll freeze out there, there s bound to be talk tomorrow well
My brother will be there at the door i ain t worried about you brother, my brother will be there at the door i ain t worried about you brother Baby,, i really can t stay get over that hold out
plenty up in here
I ve got to get home baby, but it s cold outside
Plenty up in here, i really can t stay get over that hold out, but baby it s cold outside
I really can t stay get over that hold out, you ve really been grand i thrill when you touch my hand, you ve really been grand i thrill when you touch my hand
i ve got to get home baby
Well maybe just a cigarette more you don t need no cigarette, you ll freeze out there, it s cold outside
my brother will be there at the door i ain t worried about you brother
Think of my lifelong sorrow, plenty up in here
she ain t gonna bother me
The welcome has been so lucky that you dropped in, you ll freeze out there
My brother will be there at the door i ain t worried about you brother, think of my lifelong sorrow
I really can t stay get over that hold out, i ve got to get home baby
the answer is no baby
Plenty up in here, the answer is no baby
so nice and warm look out the window at that storm