Oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done, if you want me ever by your side
Say you ll forgive me, baby be true to me
Oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done, if you love me, baby oh can t you see
If you want me ever by your side, don t want no other man lovin you Nelson, baby be true to me
Oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done, i know i ve done you mighty wrong
Baby never stray from me, if you love me, say you ll forgive me
Baby never stray from me, i know i ve done you mighty wrong, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
Say you ll forgive me, if you want me ever by your side
oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
Say you ll forgive me, baby oh can t you see
Baby never stray from me, say you ll forgive me, if you want me ever by your side
Say you ll forgive me, baby be true to me, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
i know i ve done you mighty wrong
Ya gotta stay home with me, baby now can t you see
I know i ve done you mighty wrong, i know i ve done you mighty wrong
Baby oh can t you see, baby now can t you see Nelson, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
Oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
Baby oh can t you see, like you say you do
I know i ve done you mighty wrong, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done Baby,, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
ya gotta be true to me
ya gotta be true to me
If you want me ever by your side, i know i ve done you mighty wrong
Say you ll forgive me, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done, say you ll forgive me
oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
I want you darlin ever by my side, i know i ve done you mighty wrong, if you want me ever by your side
If you want me ever by your side, baby oh can t you see
Don t want no other man lovin you, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
Ya gotta stay home with me, say you ll forgive me Baby,, ya gotta stay home with me
Say you ll forgive me, say you ll forgive me Sorry, if you want me ever by your side
if you want me ever by your side
If you want me ever by your side, i want you darlin ever by my side Nelson, i know i ve done you mighty wrong
Oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done, i know i ve done you mighty wrong
i know i ve done you mighty wrong
Oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done, say you ll forgive me
If you love me, i want you darlin ever by my side
Baby oh can t you see, if you want me ever by your side
If you love me, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
If you love me, say you ll forgive me
Say you ll forgive me, baby be true to me, baby be true to me
if you want me ever by your side
don t want no other man lovin you
Ya gotta be true to me, i know i ve done you mighty wrong, say you ll forgive me
oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
If you love me, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
Baby never stray from me, ya gotta be true to me Ricky, i know i ve done you mighty wrong
Baby oh can t you see, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
If you love me, don t want no other man lovin you Ricky, ya gotta be true to me
if you want me ever by your side
If you want me ever by your side, i want you darlin ever by my side
Oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done, i know i ve done you mighty wrong
Oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done, ya gotta be true to me
Oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done, i know i ve done you mighty wrong
I want you darlin ever by my side, if you love me
like you say you do
say you ll forgive me
Say you ll forgive me, oh baby i m sorry for all the wrong i ve done
i know i ve done you mighty wrong