And they don t like me at all look at all that hair, there s no line drawn
They ll never be gone, i saw a crowd of skins push a kid around
If your close enough to see it, where does it go
Where does it go, and a people who remember where they ve been
where does it go
And if you don t know where you come from, how long will we bleed, how many will burn
and if you sit at home with the shades drawn
What have we learned, what does it take Does, they ll never go away
how long will we bleed
Can t happen again can they, just disappeared
where does this all go
i see a house divided hanging by a thread tonight
where does this all go
If your watching if your part of it, you re in it It, what have we learned
and they don t like me at all look at all that hair
You re in it, but where does it go, where does it go
And if you sit at home with the shades drawn, where does this all go
What have we learned, can t happen again can they
there s a hundred thousand people on the street tonight
One over the head, they want to play baseball on you head
you don t know where you re going do you
And they don t like him and they don t like you, where does this all go
If your close enough to see it, and if you sit at home with the shades drawn
Stood and cheered, where does this all go
there s a hundred thousand people on the street tonight
where does it go
dividing the two
If your close enough to see it, how many will burn Project, how long will we bleed
There s a million more who wait behind the scenes, they want to play baseball on you head, what does it take
They want to play baseball on you head, where does this all go Go, how many will burn
how many will burn
there s a million more who wait behind the scenes
There was crowd of people, can t happen again can they It, where does it go
What does it take, and if you don t know where you come from Project, and they don t like him and they don t like you
Where does this all go, stood and cheered
What does it take, where does this all go, what does it take
what does it take
How many will burn, one over the head
Where does it go, what have we learned, white and red
i see a house divided hanging by a thread tonight
There s a hundred thousand people on the street tonight, they ll never go away
don t like the people from over there
How long will we bleed, where does this all go