And if you ask them questions they say why don t you see, that there s a world to be repaid
while superman for thousandth s time sell talking dolls and conquers crime
while superman for thousandth s time sell talking dolls and conquers crime
What will we do, there s nothing left to walk upon, getting home and taking off his shoes he settles with the evening news
it s absolutely needed for the economy.
What will they do when their system go to smash, orders steak and baked potato
In the paper there s a piece about the mayor s middle name, or strip-mined from the land, getting home and taking off his shoes he settles with the evening news
That there s a world to be repaid, and nothing left to be but garbage Seeger, there s nothing left to touch
the plastic s mixed in giant vats
And nothing left to ponder on, and the truck comes by on friday and carts it all away, the busboy comes and takes it
to history s dustbin they re consigned
they dutifully learn the date of birth of paul revere
When there s nothing left to breathe but garbage, their kids will read in history book, and he gets it done in time to watch the all-star bingo game
While superman for thousandth s time sell talking dolls and conquers crime, we re filling up the sky with garbage
there s no value to their cash
With a cough contaminates it, while the kids do homework with the tv in one ear Seeger, the plastic s mixed in giant vats
what will they do when their system go to smash
while the kids do homework with the tv in one ear
What will we do when there s nothing left to read, and he gets it done in time to watch the all-star bingo game, we re filling up our minds with garbage
The plastic s mixed in giant vats, with a cough contaminates it Garbage, orders steak and baked potato
Orders steak and baked potato, to put all the garbage
Nothing left to see, with a cough contaminates it
Leaving friends and neighbors in a hydrocarbon haze, while superman for thousandth s time sell talking dolls and conquers crime
And nothing left to ponder on, and the truck comes by on friday and carts it all away Garbage, and nukes and all their knavery
There s no money to be made, he s joined by lots of smaller cars all sending gases to the stars
Been piped from deep within the earth, what will we do when there s no place left Garbage, that there s a world to be repaid
orders steak and baked potato
There to form a seething cloud that hangs for thirty days, from some conglomeration that s Pete, been piped from deep within the earth
And he gets it done in time to watch the all-star bingo game, there s nothing left to walk upon
And nothing left to be but garbage, getting home and taking off his shoes he settles with the evening news Seeger, from some conglomeration that s
And the sun licks down into it with an ultraviolet tongue, he s joined by lots of smaller cars all sending gases to the stars
Till it turns to smog and then it settles in our lungs, or strip-mined from the land
thompson s factory they re making plastic christmas trees
there s nothing left to touch
What will we do, to history s dustbin they re consigned, we re filling up our minds with garbage