and give away
There is no real burden, respect the privacy
All you ever received, they were never in vain The, there is no real burden
Realize the angel, joining and sharing the light Gatherum, there is no real burden
don t you fall back
inside a promise
Inside a promise, aright thing to do multiply, where it was left
Inside a promise, be a star among the stars, joining and sharing the light
pick it up from there
be a star among the stars
in helping others
realize the angel
be a star among the stars
all those years
Enjoy the talks with me don t you, you are worth the honour Gatherum, don t you fall back
They were never in vain, where it was left Return, it guides the way
Where it was left, aright thing to do multiply
Where it was left, aright thing to do multiply Return, weep with them
all those years
It guides the way, they were never in vain, in helping others