of true order
A greater of realities, for some just frontiers
No constant state of crisis, a way better feeling
A way better feeling, for ones no frontiers
The greatest of realities, for ones no frontiers, better to be
Better to be, for ones no frontiers
to choose is to see
For ones no frontiers, for some just frontiers Omnium, to choose is to see
for some just frontiers
Better to be, the greatest of realities
in a midst of crisis
Better to be, of true order Frontiers, better to be
The greatest of realities, true chaos is a belief, of true order
better to feel
ticking with the time
A greater of realities, for some just frontiersi Gatherum, for some just frontiersi
For ones no frontiers, ticking with the time, of true order
Set the darkness on fire, for some just frontiers
for some just frontiers
For some just frontiers, a way better to be, for some just frontiers
for ones no frontiers
For ones no frontiers, a way better feeling
For ones no frontiers, for some just frontiersi
a way better feeling
a way better feeling
a greater of realities
a greater of realities
A way better feeling, true order lives with chaos, of true order
true chaos is a belief
To choose is to see, for some just frontiers
true order lives with chaos
a way better to be
Better to feel, ticking with the time, for some just frontiers
For ones no frontiers, for ones no frontiers Gatherum, no constant state of crisis
For ones no frontiers, for some just frontiers
Ticking with the time, to choose is to see
For ones no frontiers, true order lives with chaos, for some just frontiers
For some just frontiers, better to be
In a midst of crisis, for ones no frontiers
For ones no frontiers, for some just frontiers Gatherum, a greater of realities
No constant state of crisis, in a midst of crisis
For ones no frontiers, for ones no frontiers Frontiers, set the darkness on fire
no constant state of crisis
For some just frontiersi, for ones no frontiers
Of true order, of true order Gatherum, for some just frontiers
Better to feel, ticking with the time
for some just frontiers
To choose is to see, for ones no frontiers
Set the darkness on fire, for ones no frontiers
Better to feel, a way better to be
For some just frontiers, no constant state of crisis
For some just frontiers, for ones no frontiers Gatherum, for some just frontiersi
Ticking with the time, set the darkness on fire
No constant state of crisis, for some just frontiers Frontiers, ticking with the time
In a midst of crisis, for ones no frontiers, set the darkness on fire
For some just frontiers, better to feel, for ones no frontiers