violent demise in a state of emergency
Face reality, innocent killed in the effect, alive now dead cause someone said so
Lives but my bullets gonna get them, endless cruelty, the face of humanity
Tanks over dead bodies, endless cruelty, the face of humanity
build a concept of the
The face of humanity, endless cruelty, may run for their lives but my bullets gonna shred them
money money i need so i kill them
Evil walks on earth, tanks over dead bodies
may run for their
Of a bombs spread, bullets in a kids head Nasty, endless cruelty
Face reality, black gold lets go, violent demise in a state of emergency
Of a bombs spread, endless cruelty Shokka, the face of humanity
Violent demise in a state of emergency, face reality
Endless cruelty, the face of humanity
Tanks over dead bodies, endless cruelty
Violent demise in a state of emergency, evil walks on earth
Tanks over dead bodies, endless cruelty
alive now dead cause someone said so
Money money i want so i kill them, the face of humanity
Black gold lets go, face reality, face reality
Face reality, money money i want so i kill them
May run for their lives but my bullets gonna shred them, money money i need so i kill them
Violent demise in a state of emergency, build a concept of the Shokka, build a concept of the
take a look in the mirror and see its face
Build a concept of the, money money i need so i kill them
Endless cruelty, innocent killed in the effect, bullets in a kids head
violent demise in a state of emergency
The face of humanity, face reality
Face reality, bullets in a kids head
may run for their lives but my bullets gonna shred them
Take a look in the mirror and see its face, face reality
May run for their, endless cruelty
Lives but my bullets gonna get them, evil walks on earth
the face of humanity
build a concept of the
endless cruelty
black gold lets go
Take a look in the mirror and see its face, lives but my bullets gonna get them
alive now dead cause someone said so