And i am a disgrace, motherfucker Nasty, believe me you cunt
I know you re something better, say it to my face, and i am a disgrace
I am on a whole other level, say it to my face
I may not fit, behind my back Nasty, i know you re something better
i don t want your respect
Believe me you cunt, just tell me, i am on a whole other level
I won t cause i simply don t follow your lead, believe me you cunt No, i don t want your respect
On a whole different trip, behind my back
behind my back
On a whole different trip, say it to my face, i know you re something better
point your dirty finger
Believe me you cunt, point your dirty finger
Believe me you cunt, i am on a whole other level No, behind my back
cause i don t fit into shit
I am on a whole other level, i don t want your respect
i don t want your respect
i know you re something better
on a whole different trip
i won t cause i simply don t follow your lead
i don t want your respect
Point your dirty finger, just tell me, and i am a disgrace
Just tell me, i am on a whole other level
on a whole different trip
say it to my face
i won t cause i simply don t follow your lead
i know you re something better
i may not fit
believe me you cunt
Just tell me, i know you re something better
I am on a whole other level, believe me you cunt
Say it to my face, i am on a whole other level, behind my back
Behind my back, on a whole different trip
I won t cause i simply don t follow your lead, i know you re something better
I don t want your respect, point your dirty finger, on a whole different trip
I don t want your respect, i don t want your respect
Say it to my face, i won t cause i simply don t follow your lead, believe me you cunt
I am on a whole other level, i am on a whole other level
Just tell me, believe me you cunt
behind my back
say it to my face
I know you re something better, i am on a whole other level, believe me you cunt
Point your dirty finger, i know you re something better, i won t cause i simply don t follow your lead
i don t want your respect
I may not fit, i may not fit
point your dirty finger
I don t want your respect, believe me you cunt Nasty, i am on a whole other level
i won t cause i simply don t follow your lead
i may not fit
On a whole different trip, point your dirty finger, say it to my face
I don t want your respect, on a whole different trip No, behind my back
I am on a whole other level, point your dirty finger No, just tell me
I don t want your respect, i don t want your respect
On a whole different trip, and i am a disgrace, i don t want your respect