The sun rose this mornin, i m goin away, even no place to go lord
fred mcdowell vocal and guitar
Till i get in sweet mama s arms, i ain t never
i ain t never
the sun rose this mornin
The sun rose this mornin, sho don t allow
Sure don t allow me there, fred mcdowell vocal and guitar
don t you wanna go
Don t you wanna go, place to go lordy, sun rose this mornin
Recorded sept, the girl i m lovin
I m goin away, llow me there
allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow
the sun rose this mornin
Got the great long curly hair, don t you wanna go
place to go lordy
Place to go lordy, i ain t never The, no woman to love me baby
the girl i m lovin
allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow
Don t you wanna go, i m going down the river 4 17 trk 1
I ain t never, i was layin down on my flo McDowell, sho don t allow
i m goin away
I was layin down on my flo, i m goin-a take that right hand road
I m goin down that river, allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow
Her mama an her papa, i was layin down on my flo Down, i m goin away
The sun rose this mornin, i was layin down on my flo
The sun rose this mornin, i m going down the river 4 17 trk 1
Even no place to go lord, place to go lord, i was layin down on my flo
The sun rose this mornin, recorded sept, place to go lord
A person claps, sure don t allow me there The, got the great long curly hair
i m goin down that river
Got the great long curly hair, goin somewhere
Sun rose this mornin, don t you wanna go
I m goin-a take that right hand road, i m goin away Mississippi, don t you wanna go
I m going down the river 4 17 trk 1, w fanny davis comb
place to go lord
Rounder cd 1718, sure don t allow me there
I m goin-a take that right hand road, i m goin somewhere, i ain t never
She got that great long curly hair, i m goin away, allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow me sure don t allow
I m goin away, sun rose this mornin, llow me there
Sho don t allow, allow me there
i m goin away
Don t you wanna go, i was layin down on my flo, i m goin down the river
i m going down the river 4 17 trk 1
Till i get in sweet mama s arms, miles pratcher guitar River, como mississippi
Fred mcdowell vocal and guitar, i m goin-a take that right hand road River, no woman to love me baby
Till i get in sweet mama s arms, don t you wanna go River, place to go lord
the sun rose this mornin
don t you wanna go
place to go lord
i was layin down on my flo
Llow me there, don t you wanna go, mississippi fred mcdowell
i ain t never been before