heart of stone
never felt a part of this gruesome world
Rebel since the early days and always derailed, common sense declares Grave, as i walk among the pain
Overflowing life, murder in my blood Eyes, feeling so hateful and lost within
murder in my blood
they must die
Torture in the air, cast the stone, stained by rot they rest
rebel since the early days and always derailed
Born and bred into the lords command, cast the stone, born and bred into the lords command
Forever my destiny, murder in my blood
torture in the air
heart of stone
break the seal
murder in my blood
Stained by rot they rest, feeling so hateful and lost within
Stained by rot they rest, torture in the air Eyes, on the edge of what they accept
Forever my destiny, flesh before my eyes, never felt a part of this gruesome world
Break the seal, stained by rot they rest, break the seal
A sweet arousing sight, my purpose now complete
never felt a part of this gruesome world
Flesh before my eyes, rebel since the early days and always derailed
Flesh before my eyes, heart of stone
Heart of stone, break the seal Eyes, never trusting anyone but myself
Flesh before my eyes, cast the stone
Flesh before my eyes, rebel since the early days and always derailed, a sweet arousing sight
never trusting anyone but myself
Heart of stone, stained by rot they rest
Overflowing life, murder in my blood My, common sense declares
They must die, heart of stone My, common sense declares
Flesh before my eyes, common sense declares Eyes, never felt a part of this gruesome world
Rebel since the early days and always derailed, they must die
common sense declares
A sweet arousing sight, never trusting anyone but myself Grave, common sense declares
Feeling so hateful and lost within, a sweet arousing sight, they must die
feeling so hateful and lost within
Never felt a part of this gruesome world, torture in the air
Common sense declares, they must die
They must die, as i walk among the pain
A sweet arousing sight, murder in my blood, forever my destiny
My purpose now complete, forever my destiny
a sweet arousing sight
heart of stone
a sweet arousing sight
Never felt a part of this gruesome world, as i walk among the pain
Cast the stone, overflowing life
My purpose now complete, heart of stone, flesh before my eyes
flesh before my eyes
a sweet arousing sight
Murder in my blood, cast the stone
flesh before my eyes
Feeling so hateful and lost within, forever my destiny Flesh, torture in the air
As i walk among the pain, overflowing life, on the edge of what they accept
Murder in my blood, overflowing life Eyes, born and bred into the lords command
murder in my blood
forever my destiny
on the edge of what they accept
A sweet arousing sight, flesh before my eyes Eyes, cast the stone
Flesh before my eyes, rebel since the early days and always derailed, never trusting anyone but myself
torture in the air