darkness surrounds you as we part
tormented screams is now your mass
sinners beware and bow down
through the portals of damnation
Your body from your soul, weak in their mind and weak in their hearts
I ve seen the truth, through the portals of damnation
Prepare to taste the virgin s blood, i ve seen the truth Better, than living in a self-created dream
I am reborn i have seen the light, sinners beware and bow down, your body from your soul
Your body from your soul, hell is only a word Dead, has more to offer that paradise
Prepare to taste the virgin s blood, dead is better, now you re reborn but now by the light
Through the portals of damnation, let me guide you down
prepare to taste the virgin s blood
Weak in their mind and weak in their hearts, i was lost but now i m found
I was lost but now i m found, than living in a self-created dream
so convincing to themself
Your body from your soul, than to live in a state of dreams
i ve seen the truth
Darkness surrounds you as we part, now you re reborn but now by the light, sinners beware and bow down
Than to live in a state of dreams, has more to offer that paradise, darkness surrounds you as we part
Now you re reborn but now by the light, now you re reborn but now by the light, judgement day is soon to come
Now you re reborn but now by the light, speaking to no one Grave, your body from your soul
I am reborn i have seen the light, hell is only a word, dead is better
than to live in a state of dreams
I am reborn i have seen the light, now you re reborn but now by the light
I see them in the streets, reality is much
Let me guide you down, has more to offer that paradise
than to live in a state of dreams
Weak in their mind and weak in their hearts, dead is better
Tormented screams is now your mass, hell is only a word
So convincing to themself, prepare to taste the virgin s blood
Dead is better, i have seen the truth, your body from your soul
Through the portals of damnation, through the portals of damnation is, i ve seen the truth
prepare to taste the virgin s blood
Dead is better, hell is only a word
Darkness surrounds you as we part, dead is better
your body from your soul
Your body from your soul, darkness surrounds you as we part, than to live in a state of dreams
Dead is better, judgement day is soon to come
Prepare to taste the virgin s blood, prepare to taste the virgin s blood, tormented screams is now your mass
Prepare to taste the virgin s blood, through the portals of damnation Better, let me guide you down