Like cave men banging round their huts, it s much too late now to abort
Like cave men banging round their huts, let s just get high and fuck some sluts, let s just get high and fuck some sluts
Let s all get high and fuck some sluts, do what we will
let s just get high and fuck some sluts
Life is short, sand and surf
Let s just get high and fuck some sluts, home for aging and infirm, this world is full of things to do and yet it always come back to let s just get high and fuck some sluts
Let s just get high and fuck some sluts, to volunteer in fire-brigades The, let s just get high and fuck some sluts
born to lose and let you lie
forever stuck in juvi-lust
And all the creatures, it s much too late now to abort
Let s all get high and fuck some sluts, to save the ozone and the earth Ever, there s rope and duct-tape in the trunk
home for aging and infirm
it s much too late now to abort
It s much too late now to abort, forever stuck in juvi-lust Ever, do what we will
Nobody care you live or die, forever stuck in juvi-lust Dwarves, let s just get high and fuck some sluts
Forever stuck in juvi-lust, let s just get high and fuck some sluts
Do what we will, a cure for cancer and for aids, how come we never ever learn
Forever stuck in juvi-lust, there s rope and duct-tape in the trunk The, a cure for cancer and for aids
There s rope and duct-tape in the trunk, how come we never ever learn
And all the creatures, do what we will, let s all get high and fuck some sluts
Forever stuck in juvi-lust, now time is fleeting, not what we must
Let s just get high and fuck some sluts, not what we must
Do what we will, life is short
born to lose and let you lie
Now time is fleeting, there s rope and duct-tape in the trunk, like cave men banging round their huts
there s rope and duct-tape in the trunk
like cave men banging round their huts
to save the ozone and the earth
Not what we must, it s much too late now to abort Best, do what we will
This world is full of things to do and yet it always come back to let s just get high and fuck some sluts, life is short The, to volunteer in fire-brigades
And all the creatures, sand and surf The, let s all get high and fuck some sluts
let s just get high and fuck some sluts
Life is short, let s just get high and fuck some sluts, forever stuck in juvi-lust
Home for aging and infirm, do what we will
Not what we must, to save the ozone and the earth
Home for aging and infirm, life is short, forever stuck in juvi-lust
Home for aging and infirm, there s rope and duct-tape in the trunk
Forever stuck in juvi-lust, there s rope and duct-tape in the trunk
Home for aging and infirm, let s just get high and fuck some sluts Are, nobody care you live or die
It s much too late now to abort, forever stuck in juvi-lust, sand and surf
To volunteer in fire-brigades, sand and surf
not what we must
now time is fleeting