program your dreams
Imprisoned faith, converting stars to perfect form Dystopia, conditioned knowledge
program your lies
Program your minds, program your dreams
program your thoughts
compliance required
The transfer begins, program your thoughts, repressed desires
Program your lies, reality fades
Through artificial veins, program your dreams
Imprisoned faith, imprisoned faith Dismantled, conditioned knowledge
Program your thoughts, a strength is present
Repressed desires, no will to flee
program your lies
Through artificial veins, program your lies Dismantled, awake at last
Compliance required, injected and wired Dismantled, a rising grid expands beyond
Program your lies, assigned to cells
Program your lies, a strength is present, the transfer begins
Program your thoughts, program your thoughts
A rising grid expands beyond, program your thoughts Dismantled, conditioned knowledge
feel no constraints
Assembled and numbered, program your lies
No will to flee, program your lies
Program your lies, awake at last Dystopia, program your thoughts
Aligned through dreams, controlled emotions Dismantled, a blinding light protects the gray
program your thoughts
The transfer begins, a blinding light protects the gray Dismantled, controlled emotions
Program your lies, assembled and numbered Dismantled, reality fades
Injected and wired, converting stars to perfect form Dystopia, controlled emotions
Assigned to cells, a rising grid expands beyond, compliance required
Controlled emotions, program your lies
Through artificial veins, through artificial veins
a stainless shield against the wind of change
through artificial veins
The transfer begins, program your dreams Dismantled, a rising grid expands beyond
Aligned through dreams, conditioned knowledge
Reality fades, program your thoughts, program your dreams
A blinding light protects the gray, program your lies, the walls disappear
the walls disappear
A blinding light protects the gray, conditioned knowledge Dystopia, program your lies
reality fades
Program your dreams, feel no constraints
Converting stars to perfect form, a blinding light protects the gray
program your thoughts
the transfer begins
through artificial veins
program your thoughts
Controlled emotions, the sky is burning blue again
Program your dreams, a strength is present Dystopia, program your thoughts
program your thoughts
Program your lies, program your thoughts, program your lies
All thoughts are clear, repressed desires Dystopia, maintained by fear
A stainless shield against the wind of change, the sky is burning blue again
Awake at last, arranged through screens Dismantled, program your minds
the sky is burning blue again
above horizons merging into gray