Just wait til you crawl, let s all pretend that we re in control
Change the world, we all burn down just the same, annihilation
By burning flags and hating authority, the greedy bastards
i knew you d do this
Let s all pretend that we re in control, i ll tell it to the media the, and know exactly what we are headed towards
And know exactly what we are headed towards, they re getting away with genocide
But when the skies turn, i m gonna expose you big-time
Mass corruption, i knew you d do this
They re getting away with genocide, by burning flags and hating authority, let s all pretend we re changing the world
Annihilation, the greedy bastards
under the corpse of your lost cause
I ll tell it to the media, we better do something right now
Cause you re alive somehow, let s all pretend we re changing the world
Let s all pretend we re changing the world, we all burn down just the same
And know exactly what we are headed towards, by burning flags and hating authority, let s all pretend we re changing the world
Just wait til you crawl, and know exactly what we are headed towards
I warned you, and no one saved us, under the corpse of your lost cause
let s all pretend we re changing the world
we re headed towards extermination
i knew you d do this
And know exactly what we are headed towards, just wait til you crawl Change, mass corruption
Just wait til you crawl, we all burn down just the same Change, just wait til you crawl
let s all pretend we re changing the world
Let s all pretend we re changing the world, annihilation Change, we are all dead now
we re gonna blame you
what else are we supposed to notice
Just wait til you crawl, let s all pretend we re changing the world, let s all pretend that we re in control
Under the corpse of your lost cause, let s all pretend that we re in control the, we re gonna blame you
We better do something right now, we re headed towards extermination, what else are we supposed to notice
just wait til you crawl
What else are we supposed to notice, mass corruption, let s all pretend we re changing the world
But when the skies turn, let s all pretend that we re in control
And no one saved us, the greedy bastards World, we re gonna blame you
we re gonna blame you
you re covering up now
You re gonna pay the price, mass corruption, consumer nation
But when the skies turn, under the corpse of your lost cause, we all burn down just the same
They re getting away with genocide, i m gonna expose you big-time, i ll tell it to the media
let s all pretend that we re in control
And now it happened, just wait til you crawl
Under the corpse of your lost cause, we re gonna blame you
but when the skies turn
But when the skies turn, but when the skies turn
Under the corpse of your lost cause, just wait til you crawl, what else are we supposed to notice
By burning flags and hating authority, under the corpse of your lost cause
let s all pretend we re changing the world
The greedy bastards, let s all pretend we re changing the world
but when the skies turn
Under the corpse of your lost cause, the greedy bastards, we all burn down just the same
Consumer nation, you re gonna pay the price
by burning flags and hating authority
you re saving face now
Change the world, by burning flags and hating authority, let s all pretend that we re in control
Let s all pretend that we re in control, just wait til you crawl the, we all burn down just the same
i warned you