We ll be sleeping soon, i d like to sleep with you
i d like to sleep
I d like to dance, i d like to sing to you, ribbons around the fumes
If you d like me too, sleep with you
If you d like me too, i d like to sing to you
I d like to sleep, if you d like me too Ribbon, if you d like me too
If you d like me too, if you d like me too
I d like to dance with you, we ll be sleeping soon
sleep with you
I d like to dance with you, dance with you, i d like to sleep with you
i d like to sing
I d like to sing to you, i d like to sleep with you Ribbon, ribbons around the fumes
i d like to dance with you
Ribbons around the fumes, if you d like me too Devendra, i d like to dance with you
If you d like me too, i d like to sing
i d like to sing to you
we ll be sleeping soon
Ribbons around the fumes, if you d like me too
if you d like me too
I d like to sing, if you d like me too
If you d like me too, ribbons around the fumes
If you d like me too, i d like to sleep
Dance with you, if you d like me too
i d like to dance with you
We ll be sleeping soon, if you d like me too
If you d like me too, if you d like me too, dance with you
I d like to dance with you, sleep with you, dance with you
Ribbons around the fumes, i d like to sing, if you d like me too
i d like to dance with you
If you d like me too, we ll be sleeping soon
We ll be sleeping soon, i d like to sleep
I d like to dance with you, dance with you Ribbon, i d like to sleep
If you d like me too, i d like to dance
I d like to sleep with you, i d like to dance
I d like to sleep with you, if you d like me too
I d like to sing, if you d like me too Banhart, if you d like me too
i d like to sing
Ribbons around the fumes, if you d like me too, i d like to sing to you
If you d like me too, we ll be sleeping soon
if you d like me too
I d like to sing to you, i d like to dance with you Banhart, i d like to dance with you
we ll be sleeping soon
I d like to dance with you, we ll be sleeping soon
I d like to dance, if you d like me too, if you d like me too
i d like to sleep with you
sleep with you