16 fishermen raving out on the town on e, flyin into mystery when you should be out seafarin
16 peacocks leave their nest and go flying into mystery, yad adad ada yadd a dadd a da yat ti a rat ti a rat ti a ra da, to the dancefloor all at sea 16 fishermen raving
flyin into mystery when you should be out seafarin
To the 16 fishermen raving those girls look so fancy, run out the jib rig the boom step back reality, they re weary of the smelly fish and the wash of the salty sea
yadd a dad a da yad adad ada yatt tye a rat tie a rat
Run out the jib rig the boom step back reality, when fishermen are feeling good they feel it musically
Run out the jib rig the boom step back reality, flyin into mystery when you should be out seafarin Ravers, they go down singing shanties to the dancefloor all at sea
Run out the jib rig the boom step back reality, run out the jib rig the boom step back reality, when their ship is on the ocean their nights are so empty
Run out the jib rig the boom step back reality, 16 fishermen raving out on the town on e
Flyin in to mystery when you should be out seafarin, you could ate your fry off the back of her neck if you want some more say please
Flyin into mystery when you should be out seafarin, they try to cut the spanish look but they look so untidy Jolly, don t eat too much you ll never get enough when you re flying into mystery
yad adad ada yadd a dadd a da yat ti a rat ti a rat ti a ra da
You could ate your fry off the back of her neck if you want some more say please, run out the jib rig the boom step back reality, don t eat too much you ll never get enough when you re flying into mystery
yad adad ada yadd a dadd a da yat ti a rat ti a rat ti a ra da
run out the jib rig the boom step back reality
they try to cut the spanish look but they look so untidy
16 fishermen raving out on the town on e, run out the jib rig the boom step back reality Moore, they go down singing shanties to the dancefloor all at sea
When fishermen are feeling good they feel it musically, flyin into mystery when you should be out seafarin, they try to cut the spanish look but they look so untidy
Run out the jib rig the boom step back reality, they go down singing shanties to the dancefloor all at sea, flyin in to mystery when you should be out seafarin
flyin into mystery when you should be out seafarin
Flyin in to mystery when you should be out seafarin, when fishermen are feeling good they feel it musically Ravers, yadd a dad a da yad adad ada yatt tye a rat tie a rat
flyin in to mystery when you should be out seafarin
Flyin in to mystery when you should be out seafarin, run out the jib rig the boom step back reality, run out the jib rig the boom step back reality
run out the jib rig the boom step back reality
When fishermen are feeling good they feel it musically, run out the jib rig the boom step back reality
They believe it will keep death away when they face the angry squall, run out the jib rig the boom step back reality
why face the angry squall when you could go go-go dancin
run out the jib rig the boom step back reality
Flyin in to mystery when you should be out seafarin, yadd a dad a da yad adad ada yatt tye a rat tie a rat Moore, yadd a dad a da yad adad ada yatt tye a rat tie a rat