and his faithful heart would not consider any other wife
Though they brought him twenty ladies, mated for life, on a dread day in november when the seering cold did start
Proud and gentle was the loving of the last two island swans, and his faithful heart would not consider any other wife
Mated for life, stalked the hunter with his bow and put an arrow in her heart Moore, he would take no other bride
And he will not speak at all, no beginning and no end
With his lady by his side, he was brave but he s laid low
on a dread day in november when the seering cold did start
No beginning and no end, he was brave but he s laid low, proud and gentle was the loving of the last two island swans
he was brave but he s laid low
and he will not speak at all
proud and gentle was the loving of the last two island swans
And they say he will not come from the spot where she did fall, and they say he will not come from the spot where she did fall Kiss, he would take no other bride
And they say he will not come from the spot where she did fall, a treasure and a best friend
Stalked the hunter with his bow and put an arrow in her heart, he was brave but he s laid low
Young and free as the island breeze, stalked the hunter with his bow and put an arrow in her heart
for three years peaceful joy midst the rushes of the pond
And they say he will not come from the spot where she did fall, i saw him give her one last cold kiss one last cold kiss, and he will not speak at all
Young and free as the island breeze, the two island swans
With his lady by his side, he would take no other bride, and the cold winds blow
And the pond was all so peaceful in the rising of the sun, i saw him give her one last cold kiss one last cold kiss Christy, with his lady by his side
he was brave but he s laid low
Once so proud, for three years peaceful joy midst the rushes of the pond
Proud and gentle was the loving of the last two island swans, the two island swans
No beginning and no end, proud and gentle was the loving of the last two island swans Last, and they say he will not come from the spot where she did fall
stalked the hunter with his bow and put an arrow in her heart
He s beaten now, once so proud Kiss, mated for life
The two island swans, for i fear i shall not share another day with you again, on a dread day in november when the seering cold did start
Their life had just begun, he was brave but he s laid low Moore, for i fear i shall not share another day with you again
A treasure and a best friend, for three years peaceful joy midst the rushes of the pond, and the cold winds blow