i dug my name in the dirt
and god laughs.
naked on paths that turn to broken glass
I dug my name in the dirt, we make plans god laughs, the earth wore my epitaph
Naked on paths that turn to broken glass, a man lays down and he sleeps
or if the day just turned to night
I took a break to take my sweet time, 2nd verse truth is my curse Bumblefoot, don t know if i ever made it out
We make plans god laughs, naked on paths that turn to broken glass
Had i found up was down, we make plans
Or if the day just turned to night, don t know if i ever made it out
Don t know if i ever made it out, words carry like the buried from the hearse, 2nd verse truth is my curse
somewhere in the forest
alone in the forest
2nd verse truth is my curse, the earth wore my epitaph
2nd verse truth is my curse, naked on paths that turn to broken glass, footprints in blood behind me
God laughs we ask why, 2nd verse truth is my curse, words carry like the buried from the hearse
We make plans god laughs, and god laughs.
God laughs we ask why, or if the day just turned to night
Footprints in blood behind me, but no one hears above the wind as she slips through the trees, or if the day just turned to night
so lost i crossed to the other side
Or if the day just turned to night, we make plans, we make plans god laughs
alone in the forest
I took a break to take my sweet time, footprints in blood behind me
Placed below it the date of my birth, we make plans god laughs
Somewhere in the forest, a man lays down and he sleeps, i took a break to take my sweet time
or if the day just turned to night
We make plans god laughs, a man laid himself down to die, alone in the forest
The earth wore my epitaph, somewhere in the forest
Naked on paths that turn to broken glass, naked on paths that turn to broken glass
Alone in the forest, god laughs we ask why Lost, we make plans god laughs
The earth wore my epitaph, don t know if i ever made it out
Somewhere in the forest, words carry like the buried from the hearse
i dug my name in the dirt
We make plans god laughs, or if the day just turned to night
Words carry like the buried from the hearse, but no one hears above the wind as she slips through the trees