Y always missin on the point the plan, y always missin on the point the plan, ya gotta take it to the mic a stand
Y always kissin on the hand that beats ya, ya gotta bite into the feedin hand
Y always kissin on the hand that beats ya, ain t about no green no reply
Y always breakin on the whip defeats ya, 5 pots a-melt into my sing loud, 2 many are the seeds to sew
Y always kissin on the hand that beats ya, kiss the ring for you my sweet thing
2 many are the seeds to sew, y always give in to the might
I am the no type to carry on your 7th sign, ya gotta take it to the mic a stand the, y always missin on the point the plan
crush for da killaz step 1 to mindblow
Bf b steppin in style, y always missin on the point the plan
i am the no type to carry on your 7th sign
Y always missin on the point the plan, i ain t that beg to buy your attentio
ya gotta take it to the mic a stand
ya gotta take it to the mic a stand
Kiss the sky for you i might die, i am the no type to carry on your 7th sign
Ya gotta take it to the mic a stand, y always give in to the might
Ya gotta take it to the mic a stand, y always missin on the point the plan Ring, i ain t that holdout neck to theives of distro
Ya gotta bite into the feedin hand, kiss the ring the, y off the 3rinity now ya supa slo mo 4 infinity in the hot below
Ya gotta take it to the mic a stand, y always kissin on the hand that beats ya
5 pots a-melt into my sing loud
Ya gotta take it to the mic a stand, y always breakin on the whip defeats ya
y always breakin on the whip defeats ya
ya gotta take it to the mic a stand
Kiss the sky for you i might die, ya gotta take it to the mic a stand Ring, ya gotta bite into the feedin hand
Ya gotta take it to the mic a stand, ain t about no green no reply
Kiss the ring, kiss the sky for you i might die
Y always kissin on the hand that beats ya, ya gotta take it to the mic a stand
i ain t that fly to hangin on your string
Y always breakin on the whip defeats ya, y always give in to the might
crush for da killaz step 1 to mindblow
I 8 t that lost to hypin on your find, y off the 3rinity now ya supa slo mo 4 infinity in the hot below Ring, crush for da killaz step 1 to mindblow
I am the no type to carry on your 7th sign, ya gotta bite into the feedin hand Bumblefoot, i ain t that time to wastin on a thing
Kiss the ring for you my sweet thing, y always give in to the might
Ya gotta bite into the feedin hand, y always kissin on the hand that beats ya
Y always breakin on the whip defeats ya, ain t about no green no reply
Vi m no compromise to your line now, ya gotta take it to the mic a stand Kiss, ya gotta bite into the feedin hand
i 8 t that lost to hypin on your find
Y always give in to the might, kiss the ring
Y always kissin on the hand that beats ya, y always give in to the might
Bf b steppin in style, y always missin on the point the plan
Ya gotta take it to the mic a stand, y always missin on the point the plan Kiss, kiss the sky for you i might die
Y always kissin on the hand that beats ya, kiss the ring Bumblefoot, y always give in to the might
5 pots a-melt into my sing loud, ya gotta take it to the mic a stand, i ain t that fly to hangin on your string
kiss the ring
Ya gotta take it to the mic a stand, y always breakin on the whip defeats ya Kiss, kiss the ring
Ya gotta bite into the feedin hand, i 8 t that lost to hypin on your find, ain t about no green no reply