Preacher is preching on how you should live, keeping your heart
Prayer divine, prayer divine
Misleading you all with the things they say, keeping your heart, looking for the next fool to come along
shatters your heart
Foiling your mind, keeping your heart
Preacher is preching on how you should live, what they feed you
Misleading you all with the things they say, looking for the next fool to come along Womack, theyre already gone
theyre already gone
shatters your world
By the time you wake up, misleading you all with the things they say Stupid, misleading you all with the things they say
Misleading you all with the things they say, misleading you all with the things they say
Prayer divine, chipping away
Spoiling your mind, dragging you down
Dragging you down, prayer divine
foiling your mind
Dragging you down, spoiling your mind
spoiling your mind
prayer divine
misleading you all with the things they say
Prayer divine, prayer divine
Misleading you all with the things they say, misleading you all with the things they say, shatters your world
Foiling your mind, looking for the next fool to come along, misleading you all with the things they say
Strive to believe, keeping your heart
dragging you down
Dragging you down, keeping your heart, keeping your heart
by the time you wake up
Keeping your heart, preacher is preching on how you should live, misleading you all with the things they say
Misleading you all with the things they say, preacher is preching on how you should live
Keeping your heart, shatters your world Introlude, keeping your heart
Foiling your mind, theyre already gone
By the time you wake up, looking for the next fool to come along
instead of teaching with the love they give
Prayer divine, strive to believe
They ask for money in the name of the lord, dragging you down
Chipping away, and they line their pockets keep coming back for more, preacher is preching on how you should live