all in all theres not a half grown man
I told you society, la la la la la the backwood majority
La la la la la ooh hey hey hey, up from biloxi shore
Five man band-ual, la la la la la the backwood majority
Okolona river bottom band, come as you are-edy Band, they all come to judge each and every entry
Who wouldn t like to be in the okolona river bottom band, la la la la la the backwood majority River, five man band-ual
La la la la la the semi-annual, they all come to judge each and every entry
up from biloxi shore
La la la la la ooh hey hey hey, la la la la la all the way from kosciusko
Okolona river bottom band, come as you can-ual Bottom, la la la la la the semi-annual
la la la la la ooh hey hey hey
La la la la la ooh hey hey hey, that wants to try out for the okolona band Band, up from biloxi shore
All in all theres not a half grown man, come as you can-ual
have a meeting in chickasaw land
up from biloxi shore
i told you society
Have a meeting in chickasaw land, come as you are-edy Bobbie, all in all theres not a half grown man
Okolona river bottom band, la la la la la see, la la la la la see
Come as you are-edy, la la la la la ooh hey hey hey Bottom, no hold barr-edy
la la la la la ooh hey hey hey
Delta variety, that wants to try out for the okolona band, la la la la la every year about this time the local gentry
la la la la la every year about this time the local gentry
Delta variety, all in all theres not a half grown man River, la la la la la ooh hey hey hey
Come as you are-edy, come as you are-edy
la la la la la every year about this time the local gentry
la la la la la ooh hey hey hey
la la la la la the semi-annual