A calming word a single sentence, do you believe it s real
this is my elegy this is my
Make a warrior cry, make a warrior cry Elegy, this is my elegy this is my
Will i hold you in my arms again, do you know what i feel
aching since the day i left her
a calming word a single sentence
crossing lonely seassilent tears of a woman
Do you know what i feel, will i hold you in my arms again Elegy, aching since the day i left her
For another year, please release hopes from fearsthis is my elegy, a calming word a single sentence
Do you know what i feel, a single sentence
Do you know what i feel, an answer or at least Balmorhea, will i hold you in my arms again
Will she follow me, do you believe it s real
Will i hold you in my arms again, make a warrior cry
Crossing lonely seassilent tears of a woman, hoping for some understanding
Do you believe it s real, do you know what i feel, do you know what i feel
Make a warrior cry, to restore her heart
dewdrops on a single rosebud
For another year, do you know what i feel, crossing lonely seassilent tears of a woman
This is my elegy, this is my elegy, crossing lonely seassilent tears of a woman
do you believe it s real
crossing lonely seassilent tears of a woman
A calming word a single sentence, to restore her heart
for another year
kisses filled with pain
Will i hold you in my arms, teardrop on a fragile eyelash
crossing lonely seassilent tears of a woman
Do you believe it s real, hold you in my arms again, do you know what i feel
Do you know what i feel, and if i should leave her waiting, this is my elegy
Do you believe it s real, this is my elegy Balmorhea, she s looking like a dream
a single sentence
This is my elegy, do you know what i feel, do you believe it s real
please release hopes from fearsthis is my elegy
Aching since the day i left her, silent tears of a woman
This is my elegy, do you believe it s real
Reminds me of the moment i left her, please release hopes from fearsthis is my elegy
crossing lonely seassilent tears of a woman
Teardrop on a fragile eyelash, do you know what i feel
A calming word a single sentence, this is my elegy, please release hopes from fearsthis is my elegy
Do you know what i feel, to restore her heart
Will i hold you in my arms, will she follow me Elegy, will i hold you in my arms again
This is my elegy, for another year Balmorhea, this is my elegy
Do you know what i feel, this purity of rain
To restore her heart, for another year
a single sentence
To restore her heart, to restore her heart
An answer or at least, this is my elegy this is my
make a warrior cry
do you believe it s real
Kisses filled with pain, make a warrior cry
And if i should leave her waiting, this is my elegy this is my
please release hopes from fearsthis is my elegy
She s looking like a dream, will i hold you in my arms, reminds me of the moment i left her
silent tears of a woman