Ooh ooh make yourself comfortable baby, i got some records here to put you in the mood, hurry thru the dance
Sweetheart we ve hurried thru our dinner, i feel romantic and the record changer s automatic
ooh ooh make yourself comfortable
Hurried thru the dance, hurry thru the dance Yourself, to leave some time for this
Sweetheart we ve hurried thru our dinner, why did we hurry thru the dinner Comfortable, ooh ooh make yourself comfortable
I got some records here to put you in the mood, ooh ooh make yourself comfortable
The phone is off the hook so no one can intrude, ooh ooh make yourself comfortable
Ooh ooh make yourself comfortable, i ve got some kisses here, ooh ooh make yourself comfortable baby
Make yourself comf table baby, ooh ooh make yourself comfortable
i feel romantic and the record changer s automatic
why did we hurry thru the dinner
The phone is off the hook so no one can intrude, why did we hurry thru the dinner
i got some records here to put you in the mood
ooh ooh make yourself comfortable
Ooh ooh make yourself comfortable, take off your shoesies dear and loosen up your tie, i ve got some kisses here
sweetheart we ve hurried thru our dinner
Let s try one on for size, ooh ooh make yourself comfortable baby
Ooh ooh make yourself comfortable, the phone is off the hook so no one can intrude
to hug a hug and kiss a kiss now
The phone is off the hook so no one can intrude, ooh ooh make yourself comfortable ooh ooh
Why did we hurry thru the dinner, sweetheart we ve hurried thru our dinner