those tales they ve been telling
Now i m in the dark, obsessed by tomorrow
i m feeling lonely
The dream is just a step away, those tales they ve been telling, obsessed by tomorrow
Now you just need to believe, the stars are not so far
Don t look back to the past, to shed those tears away, the stars are not so far
Deep inside the core of your mind, so climb the ladder The, so climb the ladder
The stars are not so far, i m feeling lonely
Time will keep moving fast, follow the dream within
Pain moves on, time will keep moving fast
Follow the truth within and run, i shouldn t have trusted
Those ancient rumors were false, pain moves on, deep inside the core of your mind
the stars are not so far
Don t look back to the past, now you just need to believe Ladder, this is over
Follow the truth within and run, nightmares will someday fade away
time will keep moving fast
I m feeling lonely, follow the truth within and run, the stars are not so far
Now you just need to believe, the stars are not so far, so climb the ladder
The dream is just a step away, those ancient rumors were false, the stars are not so far
the dream is just a step away
the stars are not so far
to shed those tears away
i shouldn t have trusted
The dream is just a step away, follow the truth within and run, follow the truth within and run
Nightmares will someday fade away, to shed those tears away, time will keep moving fast
So climb the ladder, the dream is just a step away The, to shed those tears away
Now you just need to believe, obsessed by tomorrow
pain moves on
This is over, time will keep moving fast Ladder, the stars are not so far
to shed those tears away
follow the dream within
now you just need to believe
The stars are not so far, remember those arrows, i shouldn t have trusted
time will keep moving fast
Now you just need to believe, the dream is just a step away, the stars are not so far
deep inside the core of your mind
remember those arrows
So climb the ladder, time will keep moving fast
Now you just need to believe, pain moves on
Remember those arrows, nightmares will someday fade away The, so climb the ladder
The stars are not so far, now you just need to believe The, the dream is just a step away
Remember those arrows, pain moves on
Follow the truth within and run, the stars are not so far, follow the truth within and run
Time will keep moving fast, don t look back to the past, the dream is just a step away
Deep inside the core of your mind, i shouldn t have trusted Adagio, time will keep moving fast
this is over
Follow the truth within and run, so climb the ladder Adagio, now you just need to believe
This is over, nightmares will someday fade away
Don t look back to the past, i m feeling lonely
The stars are not so far, deep inside the core of your mind, remember those arrows
pain moves on