Adagio - Chosen free for downloading

  • Artist: Adagio
  • Song: Chosen
  • Music Genre: Metal
  • Length: 08:43
  • Filesize: 10.2MB
  • Kbps: 160Kbps
Download Adagio - Chosen

Top songs Adagio

# Song Kbps Length
1 Adagio - Belle (A Notre-Dame de Paris c. Musicalböl) 256 04:41
2 Adagio - Children Of The Dead Lake 320 06:08
3 Adagio - Fear Circus 160 04:02
4 Adagio - Getsu Senshi 320 03:45
5 Adagio - I'll Possess You 256 05:47
6 Adagio - In nomine... 320 05:08
7 Adagio - Life 320 09:22
8 Adagio - Next profundis 192 07:40
9 Adagio - Panem et Circenses 320 05:24
10 Adagio - Sanctus Ignis 320 04:09
11 Adagio - Second Sight 256 06:11
12 Adagio - Seven Lands of Sin 320 11:45
13 Adagio - Subrahmanya 320 06:55
14 Adagio - Szerettél-e Igy? (Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman) 192 04:38
15 Adagio - The Darkitecht 320 06:21
16 Adagio - The Fifth Ankh 320 04:46
17 Adagio - The Ladder 320 06:39
18 Adagio - The Stringless Violin 256 06:33
19 Adagio - Undead 256 04:43
20 Adagio - Vamphyri 320 04:29
21 Adagio - Várok még rád (Still Loving You) 256 04:58



Antonio Guarino

2021-10-05 18:18:56 | Profile
Amazing and underated band. I bought my Lag The beast 7 guitar, after hearing Stephan forte and Adagio, amazing guitar, still have it and what a monster to play on.

Júlia Calorina

2020-12-23 14:47:29 | Profile
Though of course there are also intelligent people who aren't so fond of it, but at least those can appreciate the musical application behind it

el pelo omblicano

2020-06-22 01:15:17 | Profile
this song should come with a warning : dont play unless you have an extra finger lol


2020-06-21 12:25:41 | Profile
The first 20 seconds of this song makes me shiver :P

Heini odys

2020-06-13 01:27:08 | Profile
Just amazing! What else can you say?!! I'm speechless....

Kleo Liaki

2020-06-05 17:48:03 | Profile
For me this is what we call: Closer to perfection

Bob Schuth

2020-05-30 21:30:07 | Profile
The keyboards guy is a monster. :o Awesomeness overload.