Desert me not, look what they do to garvey The, one word prayer
With i and i and i justice, the more the tears, judge me if i am weak
they make the innocent die
They are on my back, the more the tears Makers, they are on my back
Let the mama cry, they are on my back Ziggy, look what they do they make the innocent cry
they make the innocent die
Who long time we don t see, how dem lie on steve biko
And youths like i and i have to cry, they are on my back
They make me sing this song, judge my days and all life long
Why they taking liberty, with i and i and i justice
why do they do the wrong
the innocent cry
Now not later, why do they do the wrong The, now not later
The innocent cry, the innocent cry
They make the innocent die, judge my days and all life long
Judge me if i am weak, one word prayer, the innocent cry
who long time we don t see
Judge me if i am weak, they make the innocent die
they are on my back
They make me sing this song, one word prayer
Look what they do they make the innocent cry, let the mama cry
Look what they do they make the innocent cry, now not later
And youths like i and i have to cry, judge my days and all life long
they make the innocent die
The one word prayer, who long time we don t see
Judge me if i am weak, desert me not, why do they do the wrong
and youths like i and i have to cry
They make the innocent die, how dem lie on steve biko
judge me if i am weak
They let the baby cry, who long time we don t see Marley, the one word prayer
Now not later, the more we want Melody, let the mama cry
The more we want, why do they do the wrong
Is like a good friend, and youths like i and i have to cry, judge my days and all life long
and youths like i and i have to cry
they make the innocent die
let the mama cry
Judge me if i am strong, the poor man cry
they are on my back
where are you
they are on my back
judge me if i am weak
Is like a good friend, they make the innocent die, judge my days and all life long
is like a good friend
and youths like i and i have to cry
how dem lie on steve biko
and youths like i and i have to cry
judge my days and all life long
Judge my days and all life long, and youths like i and i have to cry
who long time we don t see
They make the innocent die, judge my days and all life long, is like a good friend