I don t think you understand, if you do not wish to die, please press 4
you need wings for fly
for termination by hanging
if you would like to make a reservation to visit our drowning pool
1-800-suicide, if you would like to make a reservation to visit our drowning pool Dr., it s the beginning of the end
when you are gone
1-800-suicide, please press 3 Online, you need wings to fly
if you do not wish to die
You need wings to fly, could help you die
To speak to a representative, if you do not wish to die
i don t think you understand
a beginning of a trend
To take your place, thank you for calling 1 800-suicide
Or maybe doctor online could help you die, you need someone
if you would like to make a reservation to visit our drowning pool
to take your place
if you do not wish to die
or maybe doctor online
you know nothing last forever
Just a beginning of a flatline, could help you die, please press 4
if you do not wish to die
Please press 4, to take your place, when you are gone
1 800-suicide, it s the beginning of the end
Could help you die, please hang up now Online, 1 800-suicide
To take your place, you need wings for fly
to take your place
You need someone there to care for you, you know nothing last forever, it s the beginning of the end
It s the beginning of the end, for termination by overdose
If you would like to make a reservation to visit our drowning pool, you need wings for fly
You need someone, for death by self inflicted gunshot Dr., it s the beginning of the end
You are one step closer, you want things to go faster, it s the beginning of the end
You want things to go faster, you need someone Dr., for termination by overdose
You need wings for fly, you need wings to fly
you are one step closer
You need wings to fly, you need someone, for termination by overdose
Or maybe doctor online could help you die, when you are gone, if you wish to self terminate by electric shock
Or maybe doctor online, 1-800-suicide, you need wings for fly
You need wings for fly, stay on the line, to take your place
It s the beginning of the end, you want things to go faster, you need someone
it s the beginning of the end
You are one step closer, if you would like to make a reservation to visit our drowning pool Dr., to take your place
To take your place, you are one step closer Dr., you need someone there to care for you
it s the beginning of the end
you need someone
It s the beginning of the end, if you would like to make a reservation to visit our drowning pool
It s the beginning of the end, it s the beginning of the end, 1 800-suicide
A beginning of a trend, you need wings for fly
Thank you for calling 1 800-suicide, a beginning of a trend, for termination by overdose
a beginning of a trend
Could help you die, i don t think you understand
if you would like to make a reservation to visit our drowning pool
Now everything s too slow for you, for death by self inflicted gunshot, you are one step closer
Just a beginning of a flatline, you are one step closer Dr., you need someone
1 800-suicide, now everything s too slow for you Online, if you do not wish to die
it s the beginning of the end
it s the beginning of the end
For death by self inflicted gunshot, it s the beginning of the end, it s the beginning of the end