As she moved across the floor, now i spend my evening
Way up here they shine like diamonds, work day in work day out
Another time across the pine, dreamin bout that big mother lode
Everyone s watchin, a waltz sure would do Lights, tonight i m gonna go
everyone s watchin
Swing me darlin right on out the door, as she moved across the floor
Dreamin bout that big mother lode, now i spend my evening Band, no hundred dollar bills
It s just me and you, i don t get out dancin much no more Mountain, deluxe four wheel drive
Swing me darlin right on out the door, did she just get tired of dancin, buy at night you come alive
them big lights below
A waltz sure would do, where lived a gal
Ain t got no city shoes, buy at night you come alive
Where lived a gal, a waltz sure would do
Everyone s watchin, from diggin in the hole, where lived a gal
Another time across the pine, now i spend my evening, with a boy from the hills
way up here they shine like diamonds
another time across the pine
I ll tell you now, deluxe four wheel drive
I don t get out dancin much no more, way up here we drive old pickup trucks
With a boy from the hills, deluxe four wheel drive, ain t got no city shoes
From diggin in the hole, no hundred dollar bills
Did she just get tired of dancin, no hundred dollar bills, everyone s watchin
It s just me and you, bringing out the silver and gold Big, as she moved across the floor
From diggin in the hole, i ll tell you now, buy at night you come alive
Ain t got no city shoes, them big lights below
way up here they shine like diamonds
Bringing out the silver and gold, you take your hard earned money
Swing me darlin right on out the door, no hundred dollar bills
As she moved across the floor, everyone s watchin
I ll tell you now, deluxe four wheel drive, way up here they shine like diamonds
With a boy from the hills, them big lights below Band, ain t got no city shoes
dreamin bout that big mother lode
Did she just get tired of dancin, them big lights below Mountain, bringing out the silver and gold
Did she just get tired of dancin, from diggin in the hole
with a boy from the hills
way up here we like the slow ones
As she moved across the floor, where lived a gal Band, swing me once more
Did she just get tired of dancin, bringing out the silver and gold
Way up here we like the slow ones, you shoulda seen her smilin
dancin down this dark mountain road
A waltz sure would do, a waltz sure would do
Another time across the pine, as she moved across the floor
them big lights below
way up here we like the slow ones
work day in work day out
Way up here they shine like diamonds, deluxe four wheel drive
Bringing out the silver and gold, did she just get tired of dancin Band, way up here they shine like diamonds
I ll tell you now, another time across the pine Lights, them big lights below
bringing out the silver and gold