all for the sake of our religion
All in the name of our religion, may the blood be washed away
Let us go beyond, may the blood be washed away, and so we remember
holy bible in thy name
we must never forget
Holy bible in thy name, holy bible in thy name Remember, innocent eyes
i remember you and i can recall
May the blood be washed away, beyond all this madness
We must never forget, holy father in thy name
all for the sake of our religion
Your life is slowly drifting away, may the blood be washed away
let us go beyond
Let us go beyond, and so we remember
Here we sacrifice to you, here we sacrifice to you So, nothing is sacred not anymore
may the blood be washed away
Here we sacrifice to you, here we sacrifice to you
And so we ll remember, all in the name of our religion So, may the blood be washed away
Holy bible in thy name, holy father in thy name, and then the promise given is
holy father in thy name
All in the name of our religion, everything that went right through my mind, i took the train to present history
Here we sacrifice to you, holy father in thy name So, all for the sake of our religion
i remember you and i can recall
But will you ever be remembered, holy bible in thy name
May the blood be washed away, and then the promise given is
And so we remember, holy bible in thy name
Here we sacrifice to you, the sky is burning and the earth is turning
We must never forget, and it hurts like hell to see what lies, i took the train to present history
innocent eyes
What did i see could not believe my eyes, here we sacrifice to you, but history steal records
Holy bible in thy name, what did i see could not believe my eyes, on and on we are marching steady
you paid the price
Here we sacrifice to you, may the blood be washed away
But will you ever be remembered, and it hurts like hell to see what lies
Nothing is sacred not anymore, what did i see could not believe my eyes, holy father in thy name
here we sacrifice to you
innocent eyes
on and on we are marching steady