in your money moment
O commuter commuter, moving in the secret Wilderness, as what there is to see
As what there is to see, whispers be free
o what is to be to be
The last spoken word, the standing word
O modernity ity, o to eternity, moving in the secret
Glowing in the secret, glowing in the secret, in your money money
Rhetoric rhetoric, the last spoken word, as what there is to see
From the cell phone slur, oh to harmony Rhetoric, o what is to be to be
the knick of blur
as you are to me
O commuter commuter, as what there is to see Wilderness, o to eternity
Moving in the secret, as what there is to see, o commuter commuter
The knick of blur, o what is to be to be Rhetoric, the genus absurd
The last spoken word, from the cell phone slur
Moving in the secret, in your money money
As you are to me, the knick of blur Post, o computer computer
As you are to me, oh to harmony Rhetoric, the last spoken word
the genus absurd
as the flying bird
As you are to me, from the cell phone slur
As what there is to see, in your money moment
Moving in the secret, moving in the secret
From the cell phone slur, in your money money
In your money moment, the standing word Post, moving in the secret
O commuter commuter, o what is to be to be, glowing in the secret
O post plethoric, as you are to me
Whispers be free, glowing in the secret
O what is to be to be, oh to harmony
As what there is to see, in your money moment, as what there is to see
O post plethoric, o commuter commuter, as what there is to see
As the flying bird, as the flying bird
Oh to harmony, o to eternity Post, moving in the secret
In your money moment, the standing word, rhetoric rhetoric
In your money moment, the last spoken word
Rhetoric rhetoric, o computer computer
The standing word, the last spoken word, the standing word
as what there is to see
The last spoken word, in your money money Wilderness, o post plethoric
glowing in the secret
From the cell phone slur, in your money money
moving in the secret
O computer computer, o computer computer
As what there is to see, in your money moment, in your money moment
In your money money, as you are to me Wilderness, as what there is to see
the standing word
o modernity ity
in your money money