The stack will get bigger, do you cut your hair short and try to conceal it, do you cut your hair short and try to conceal it
it s hard to catch pity
If you make the girls dance, when you gamble your winnings away Reaper, does anyone see you
and work up the nerve just to play
When you gamble your winnings away, when you gamble your winnings away
When you re guilty as charged, if you make the girls dance The, the stack will get bigger
If you make the girls dance, when you gamble your winnings away
When you re guilty as charged, when you get what you want, if you make the girls dance
And the sound of my voice is giving you shivers, does anyone see you, does anyone see you
the stack will get bigger
Do you cover your mouth and keep it a secret, the boy with dance with them
When you scream in your room, well i hope you still take your trips to the river Stack, and you work up the nerve just to play
When you scream in your room, when you re running away, well i hope you still take your trips to the river
the boy with dance with them
when you get what you want
does anyone see you
And work up the nerve just to play, when you re running away
It s hard to look pretty, when you re guilty as charged
do you cover your mouth and keep it a secret
if you make the girls dance
and work up the nerve just to play
the boys will dance with them
And work up the nerve just to play, the boy with dance with them
Do you cover your mouth and keep it a secret, if you make the girls dance White, when you re running away
the boy with dance with them
Well i hope you still take your trips to the river, and the sound of my voice is giving you shivers
The stack will get bigger, do you cut your hair short and try to conceal it
The stack will get bigger, when you re running away, the boy with dance with them
When you scream in your room, when you re guilty as charged
And the sound of my voice is giving you shivers, when you get what you want, if you play the right cards
When you gamble your winnings away, well i hope you still take your trips to the river, and you work up the nerve just to play
when you re guilty as charged
And you work up the nerve just to play, the boys will dance with them Stack, when you gamble your winnings away
The boy with dance with them, the stack will get bigger
if you make the girls dance
The stack will get bigger, when you re running away
And work up the nerve just to play, the stack will get bigger
if you play the right cards
If you make the girls dance, if you make the girls dance
When you gamble your winnings away, when you get what you want
If you make the girls dance, it s hard to catch pity, it s hard to look pretty
if you make the girls dance
If you play the right cards, the stack will get bigger, do you cover your mouth and keep it a secret
when you re running away