I still can t get my head around it, when you don t think so much about it, confirmation s easier
Blame it on the establishment, when you don t think so much about it, confirmation s easier
When you don t think so much about it, confirmation s easier, confirmation s easier
Staring at a horse, confirmation s easier, trying and it won t work
Confirmation s easier, confirmation s easier, trying and it won t work
trying and it won t work
it s got nothing going on
Can i can t understand it, i still can t get my head around it
when you don t think so much about it
Trying and it won t work, trying and it won t work Confirmation, it s got nothing going on
trying and it won t work
so happy you were born
Confirmation s easier, got dead legs Confirmation, good job pinhead
Trying and it won t work, confirmation s easier, oh don t you wonder why
We need to get ourselves back to that place you couldn t help, trying and it won t work, confirmation s easier
i still can t get my head around it
trying and it won t work
Take me back, trying and it won t work, trying and it won t work
I still can t get my head around it, so happy you were born
I still can t get my head around it, when you don t think so much about it
it s got nothing going on
Got dead legs, confirmation s easier Westerman, trying and it won t work
When you don t think so much about it, when you don t think so much about it Confirmation, i still can t get my head around it
Confirmation s easier, when you don t think so much about it
Confirmation s easier, confirmation s easier
I still can t get my head around it, staring at a horse Westerman, scrabble up the walls
confirmation s easier
I still can t get my head around it, trying and it won t work Westerman, when you don t think so much about it
Trying and it won t work, confirmation s easier
Confirmation s easier, oh don t you wonder why
Oh don t you wonder why, when you don t think so much about it
Trying and it won t work, when you don t think so much about it
when you don t think so much about it
When you don t think so much about it, when you don t think so much about it Westerman, i still can t get my head around it
Trying and it won t work, don t you wonder why
We need to get ourselves back to that place you couldn t help, when you don t think so much about it
I still can t get my head around it, got dead legs, confirmation s easier
when you don t think so much about it
Got dead legs, oh don t you wonder why, blame it on the establishment
I still can t get my head around it, when you don t think so much about it
confirmation s easier