Why can t we be friends, sometimes i don t speak too bright
why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
i see you standing in it every time
Why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends Be, why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, they wouldn t have you in the mafia, why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends Friends, why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
I bring my money to the welfare line, why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, i seen you round for a long long time
why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends Can't, why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
why can t we be friends
I see you standing in it every time, why can t we be friends, i called you but you could not look around
why can t we be friends
Why can t we be friends, why can t we be friends, i seen you round for a long long time
why can t we be friends