When you wake up close to me, when you lay down on my bed
my whole body loose control
I wanna stay all life with you, when you wake up close to me
My whole body loose control, when you lay down on my bed, when you wake up close to me
i wanna stay all life with you
when you wake up close to me
I wanna stay all life with you, my whole body loose control Lopez, my whole body loose control
My whole body loose control, when you lay down on my bed, when you lay down on my bed
my whole body loose control
my whole body loose control
when you wake up close to me
I wanna stay all life with you, when you wake up close to me, i wanna stay all life with you
i wanna stay all life with you
my whole body loose control
I wanna stay all life with you, when you lay down on my bed, i wanna stay all life with you
I wanna stay all life with you, when you wake up close to me
when you lay down on my bed
My whole body loose control, my whole body loose control Lopez, my whole body loose control
when you lay down on my bed
My whole body loose control, when you lay down on my bed Me, i wanna stay all life with you
my whole body loose control
My whole body loose control, my whole body loose control, i wanna stay all life with you
my whole body loose control
When you wake up close to me, when you lay down on my bed, i wanna stay all life with you
I wanna stay all life with you, when you lay down on my bed Wally, i wanna stay all life with you
My whole body loose control, when you wake up close to me
My whole body loose control, when you wake up close to me
When you wake up close to me, when you lay down on my bed
I wanna stay all life with you, when you lay down on my bed Wally, my whole body loose control
When you lay down on my bed, when you wake up close to me
I wanna stay all life with you, i wanna stay all life with you
When you lay down on my bed, i wanna stay all life with you Close, when you wake up close to me
I wanna stay all life with you, my whole body loose control
When you wake up close to me, when you wake up close to me
When you lay down on my bed, when you lay down on my bed
My whole body loose control, when you wake up close to me
my whole body loose control
when you wake up close to me
when you lay down on my bed
My whole body loose control, my whole body loose control
My whole body loose control, when you wake up close to me, i wanna stay all life with you
my whole body loose control
When you wake up close to me, my whole body loose control, when you wake up close to me