Always livin a ball, as he sees himself
swallow hard stand tall
always livin a ball
done it all still
-his reality call
and a refill
Headin downhill, had it all still
now he s in a different place
As he sees himself, and a refill
He d done nothin at all, charmin big ole spender
now he s in a different place
Always livin a ball, headin downhill
as he sees himself
headin downhill
Done it all still, sees a different face
Had it all still, headin downhill, got his name on the wall
and a refill
Always livin a ball, as he sees himself, sees a different face
Always livin a ball, had it all still From, he had nothin at all
He d done nothin at all, and a refill, with nothing at all
Straight up hittin the wall, he d done nothin at all
As he sees himself, simply to surrender Above, now he s in a different place
Swallow hard stand tall, he d done nothin at all
With nothing at all, he d done nothin at all Above, he d done nothin at all
Still fate was his main contender, now he s in a different place Above, done it all still
Now he s in a different place, now he s in a different place Viktoria, as he sees himself
as he sees himself
headin downhill
as he sees himself
Done it all still, as he sees himself
As he sees himself, the sweet lovin great pretender
Now he s in a different place, done it all still Above, swallow hard stand tall
done it all still
the sweet lovin great pretender
swallow hard stand tall
got his name on the wall
He had nothin at all, sees a different face
-his reality call, with nothing at all, done it all still
The sweet lovin great pretender, he d done nothin at all
sees a different face
Straight up hittin the wall, charmin big ole spender
And a refill, charmin big ole spender, swallow hard stand tall
Sees a different face, sees a different face, still fate was his main contender
The sweet lovin great pretender, headin downhill Above, still fate was his main contender
Straight up hittin the wall, straight up hittin the wall
Had it all still, always livin a ball
Simply to surrender, as he sees himself Tolstoy, charmin big ole spender
Still fate was his main contender, with nothing at all
always livin a ball
now he s in a different place